Chapter Eight

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Damien's P.O.V.

"Dude, I'm so excited to meet Frankie," Boze said after ending the call. I chuckled and put my phone in my pocket. "I didn't realize how cool it would be to meet this girl that you can't stop fanboying over."

"I'm not fanboying over her, hush," I said to Boze. She laughed out and slightly pushed me. "I mean, I know I'm starting to crush on her, but I'm just not trying to rush anything."

"Dawg, she likes you," Boze said to me. "You can just tell by the way she was talking. The fact that she said if it was okay with you if I tagged along, then she would be okay with it. A girl who doesn't like you would've instantly said yes to someone else coming too."

"How do you know?" I asked her.

She starts looking all around the room and then looks down at herself. "Oh that's right because I'm a damn female and I know this shit." I started to do my "I made myself giggle" laugh that Boze calls it and it made her laugh. "Damien, I'm serious though. Don't let this chick go. I've known you for a while now and you've never been this way about a girl."

"Because I haven't had the chance to actually hang out with a girl I've liked for the past 6 years," I admitted Boze.

"Ew, we got way too deep with this," Boze said. I did a small chuckle and she made a face of disgust. "This got way too cute and I'm not prepared for it just yet."

"Are you coming with me or not?" I asked her with a chuckle.

"I might get Flitz to take me there a bit later if that's alright," Boze said to me.

"Boze, I literally brought you here and you have somebody else about to give you a ride?" I asked her which made her laugh.

"Man, Flitz wanted to show me this game and I really want to test it out!" Boze whined out. I rolled my eyes and fixed my glasses. "Just let me know where you guys end up going to eat and I'll meet you there."

"Fine," I chuckled out. I looked for my keys in my jacket pocket and walked out of the Smosh office to see Shayne walking towards me. "Hey man," I said to him.

"Hey, what's up?" Shayne asked me. We stopped walking and stood a few feet from each other.

"I was about to head out to pick Frankie up for lunch. Boze is going to come a bit later and I was wondering if you wanted to come with us?" I suggested to him.

Shayne stood there awkward for a second, but finally said, "Um, not today, but thank you for the offer though. I think Ian was talking about buying us food today and opening up Smosh mail. But next time."

I was kind of baffled by the whole thing, but the only thing I could do was nod my head at him. He walked past me and I just stood there for a second to take it all in. Is Frankie really going to cause problems between Shayne and myself? I really like this girl, but I don't want to cause any problems with Shayne.

Maybe I'm thinking too much into this.

I doubt Shayne and I are going to make this weird. He even said it himself he would be okay if anything happens between Frankie and I. I guess me losing Shayne as my friend scares me because it could ruin everything at Smosh. Not only would we lose our show, but one of us would end up leaving Smosh for good.

Shayne has such a good reputation in Smosh right now with all of his inside jokes with "Munge" and "Daddy Needs His Juice" where with me, I have my embarrassment with Noah since he left me hanging on a fist bump. If anyone ends up leaving, it would end up being me.

I left the Smosh office and as I was walking to my car, Joven and Mari were outside. "Why do I feel like none of you guys are ever inside?" I asked them. Mari and Joven smiled at me and I rolled my eyes. "I'm guessing you heard my call with Frankie."

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