Chapter Four

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Damien's P.O.V.

It's crazy to see how crazy fans get when you are with someone completely new. Is that your new girlfriend? Who is she? Congrats on your new girlfriend, Damien! Can't hang out with someone once without having everyone freak out. But then again, fans get really excited when the person they are crazy about gets a new "bae".

Do people still even use that phrase?

I was on my way back from the coffee shop, and didn't know what to expect when I get to the Smosh HQ. I know the guys saw my Instagram Story since Boze tweeted at me saying, "um, is there something you need to tell us at Smosh Games?" And knowing Boze, she's told and showed everyone at work. I don't care honestly. I took a friend to lunch, and I might've paid for it. It was a friendly lunch.

I pulled up to Smosh HQ and parked my car. I got out to see Ian grinning at me. Why was he outside? "What are you doing out here, Ian?" I asked him as I got out of my car. He just kept grinning at me, and it was just freaking me out, but I couldn't help but to laugh.

"We saw your new girlfriend on your story" Ian said as I locked my car and started walking up to him. "We are a bit salty though since you didn't tell us."

"Oh stop" I said to him. We walked inside and Ian was still grinning. "Ian, I am not dating Frankie."

"Oh, her name is Frankie," Ian said. I rolled my eyes, and started chuckling. "I'm just messing with you, dude, but you're definitely gonna hear a lot more when we get upstairs."

"Great" I said to him. "How did you guys find out?"

"Boze was the first one to see it, and she loudly said," Ian stopped and cleared his throat. "Oh my god. Y'all, Damien is hanging out with some chick and didn't tell us." I started laughing at Ian's impersonation of Boze. He did it pretty good job. I would know more than anyone. Ian started laughing too. "Everyone said what and we all just ganged up on her."

"Because that's not what we normally do?" I asked him. He chuckled and shrugged. "I mean, she is tiny."

"This is also true" Ian said. We were walking upstairs since the elevator always seemed to be broken. "Who is she really?" The thing I realized about Ian is that he can be very serious at times, and someone who is very easy to talk too. Makes me glad I have him as basically my boss.

"Her name is Frankie Brooks," I stated. "Shayne and I met her on the set of one of our old shows. I haven't heard from her in years, but all of a sudden, she's in Walmart trying to reach a bag of chips and I decided to help her. I didn't even realize who it was until I saw her smile. Back then, she was so awkward and nervous where now, she's more open an-"

"Like you?" Ian asked me. I smiled and nodded. "You two might not being dating, but you have one helluva crush on her. It's not a thing either, but it's definitely noticeable. You are going to get teased about it when we walk in, you know that right?"

"Unfortunately, I do" I replied with a groan. He chuckled and we walked in to see Boze, Mari, and even Courtney standing right in front of us. Ian chuckled and patted on my back. "Gosh darn," I said to myself.

"Like my damn tweet said, you got some explaining to do," Boze said to me with her arm crossed. Mari pulled the video up of Frankie and showed me. "Who the hell is this chick?" Mari started giggling and kept looking over at Courtney who sighed and chuckled.

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