Chapter Twenty One

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Damien's P.O.V.

"Damien, hey," Boze said on the phone. I was getting ready for the party tonight since it was finally Saturday and I knew I needed to hurry since Frankie wanted to meet up there. She was riding with Becca which was completely fine with me, but I know she didn't want to third wheel with Becca and Phoenix the whole time. "I gotta talk to you about something."

"What's up, Boze?" I asked her.

"So I kind of fucked up and I forgot to mention it to you yesterday at work," she said to me. I fixed my plaid top and took my glasses off. "And I thought now would be an appropriate time because Frankie is going to be around everyone and Shayne will be there and I'm afraid she'll ask questions and..."

"Boze, what are you talking about?" I asked her. She was all over the place when she didn't need to be, but this is Boze we are talking about.

"I accidentally brought up Veronica to her," Boze admitted.


"I know, I fucked up man and I'm afraid she'll say something to Shayne about her. It'll just set Shayne off and it'll ruin everyone's night tonight," Boze stated.

"How did you accidentally bring her up?" I asked.

"I made a joke and put Ronnie into it and since Frankie isn't a dumbass like the majority of us, she caught onto it and started asking questions about her," Boze replied.

"What did you say?"

"I told her how Ronnie use to work at Smosh and how she dated Anthony and that he left to live with her father."

"So you didn't tell her everything about Veronica?"

"No Damien. I didn't tell her about her father coming back and wanting his daughter back into his life and everything that happened with Shayne when sh-"

"I got it, Boze," I interrupted to say.

"I just don't want her asking Shayne and it ruins his night," she stated. "You know how he felt about her."

"Yeah, that wouldn't be fair to him since he didn't want to go to this in the first place," I said to her. "Okay, I'll try to talk to her about it tonight. Thanks for letting me know, Boze."

"No problem. I'm just looking out for my losers," she said.

"Get out of here," I chuckled out. "How are you getting to the party?"

"Mari should be picking me up with Peter. She's allowed to bring him, right?"

"Of course," I said. "Look, I gotta go, Boze. I know Frankie is gonna be there soon and I know she wants me meeting up with her."

"Y'all are cute, it's sickening," Boze stated. "Alright, bye Dami."

We hung up the phone and I slipped my phone in my back pocket.

Frankie's P.O.V.

"Why is it that you always have to have the aux cord?" Becca asked with a little giggle. "Don't think Damien hasn't told me that you take his aux cord every single time you guys are in the car together." I giggled and started scrolling through my music. "But at least play something I like."

"Fine, I'll play one Breaking Benjamin song but that is it," I said to her with a chuckle. I clicked onto Evil Angel and she had the biggest smile on her face when it started playing. I knew she wanted to sing along with it, but I had to talk to her about what my plan was tonight. "I'm thinking about talking to Shayne tonight."

"Wait, what?" Becca asked. She glanced at me and back onto the road, but started instantly shaking her head. "Franks, I think that's a bad idea."


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