Chapter Thirteen

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Frankie's P.O.V.

"No way, dawg," Boze said to me. "He did not ask you on a date at your own job." I picked my phone up from the table, and went to my pictures. Boze and I were at lunch at the coffee shop Damien and I went too when we first hung out and I was telling her about what Damien did for me. I clicked on the video and handed my phone to her. Phoenix had videoed when I walked up to him and everything after that. Boze was smiling big and looked up at me. "Oh my god. Dude, this is adorable. I ship y'all."

"I couldn't believe he did it," I said to her. Her mouth dropped and she smiled as she saw me jump up into Damien's arms.

"Man, this needs to be official soon," she said. "Soon y'all will be making out and then some." I snorted and shook my head. She handed me my phone back and started chuckling. "God, Damien dropped me off at work, and when I got out and saw he wasn't getting out, I thought he was going back home because he forgot something. I so did not expect him to go buy flowers and go to your work. I've known Damien for a short amount of time and I can say I've never seen him like this before."

"I'm guessing that's a good thing?" I asked her.

"Oh definitely, dude," she said to me. "Damien has always been such a happy guy, but if you could only see the change in him at work, he is a kid on Christmas Day."

"How was he when he got back to work?" I asked her.

"He was smiling the whole time and we kept trying to ask him, but it's like he is trying to keep it a secret from all of us," she admitted. "He really wants it to be a surprise, Frankie. That boy is insanely crazy about you." Her smile died a bit and she leaned back into her seat. "That's why I gotta talk to you about something."

"I forgot you had mentioned that yesterday morning," I said. I leaned forward on the table. "What's up?"

She took a deep breath and looked away from me. "In the Smosh Games office, there are six cameras always set up in there ready for when we shoot. One of Flitz's desk, one on Wes's, one on Mari's one on mine, one on Damien's, and one on Joven's. All of them were off except one. Damien's." My heart dropped. "I saw what happened in there, and I'm gonna need a little bit of an explanation of what I witnessed and why Shayne acted that way."

"How did the camera turn on?" I asked.

"When you were playing at Damien's desk, you must've accidentally turned it on because when I watched the beginning, you were on it and you put Damien's headset on," she replied.

"Wait, what made you watch it?" I asked her.

She finally looked at me. "For god sakes, Frankie. No one was around me," she admitted. "I made sure no one was because I knew something bad happened. I could tell by Shayne's face when he walked away from Damien after talking to you. When I walked into the office after you and Damien left, I went in there and saw the red dot on the camera which I instantly turned off.

"I was afraid of someone else going in there and I knew nobody else should've been in there so..." she paused and took a deep breath. "I checked the footage on the camera and it seemed fine at first... you know what, no. Frankie, explained to me what happened. I didn't listen to the audio, but I did in fact delete it."

"Thank you," I said to her. I took a deep breath and sighed. "Shayne has a grudge on me still after our breakup a year ago because of what I did. Yeah, we might say it's fucked up on how he kept me a secret from everybody, but it's more fucked up on how I handled the situation." She raised her eyebrow up at me, but her mouth dropped and she gasped.

"No you did not," she stated. "How did it happen?"

"It just did," I said. "I was depressed and I needed to find a new apartment because I knew I was gonna end the relationship soon so I met a guy who ended up using me." She put her hand on her mouth and just shook her head. "He ended up fucking my relationship up with texting me asking for another round and Shayne read it since I left my phone at the apartment. It broke my heart how hurt Shayne was and I wish I had told him when it happened, but god, he was so excited to actually tell the people at Smosh about us."

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