Chapter Ten

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Damien's P.O.V.

"Damien, can we please talk?" Shayne asked me as he walked into the bathroom. I was standing in front of the mirror with my hands on the sink. Shayne shut the door behind him and looked over at me. I was glancing at him through the mirror, but not enough to make actual eye contact with him. "Okay, I hope you aren't just pissed with me because I'm not the only one who hid this from you. Frankie could've told you at any point."

"Don't," I said to him. I turned to face him and leaned back on the sink. "I'm pissed because you lied to me. I'm pissed that three people here knew that you two dated, but I didn't. Ian knew, Noah knew, Courtney knew, but did I know? No, I didn't fucking now and I'm your best fucking friend."

"I didn't know they fucking knew, Damien!" Shayne barked out. "No one should've known about Frankie's and I's relationship besides her and myself."

"You're making this sound better and better, Shayne," I chuckled out while crossing my arms and shaking my head. We were both getting frustrated with each other and the only time that this ever happened, it was about video games. Not about a girl.

"Why the fuck am I the bad guy in this?" Shayne asked me. "Am I the bad guy for not telling you my love life or the bad guy for not saying something sooner?"

"I asked you, Shayne. I fucking asked you why you were acting like this about the topic of Frankie and you said it was because you use to have feelings for her. You lied to me, Shayne," I said to him.

"I hope you realize that this little argument is about a fucking girl," Shayne said to him. I chuckled out of annoyance and turned away from him. "Is Frankie really that worth it?"

"That outburst wouldn't have happened out there if you had only told me the truth. I wouldn't be in this bathroom right now if you had only told me you had dated Frankie, but instead you insisted on lying to me and made me feel fucking stupid in front out of all my friends," I stated.

"She's the one who announced it to everybody!" Shayne yelled out. "I didn't tell her to fucking admit it."

"No, but she had to look at you for reassurance since she didn't know it was okay to say it," I said to him.

"I'm gonna throw this out there one more time: Frankie could've told you. She could've told you at anytime, but instead, I'm getting bitched at by my own best friend by a mistake I made," Shayne said.

"You're right, she could've told me," I said to him. I finally turned back towards him, and I could see the anger and frustration in his eyes. "But here's the thing, I never really talked about you much to her. I mentioned your name maybe once or twice, but never mentioned a past between you two." He sighed and looked down at the floor. "I asked you, Shayne. I asked you why did this bother you and you said it was because of a crush you had six years ago when all along, you two were together."

"I couldn't tell you," Shayne softly said. Now we were calming down a bit, but we were both still mad. "I was afraid of how you would react. You've basically fallen for her and telling you this.." he paused and looked at me. "I didn't want this to change our friendship. It was a long time ago and I regret the way I made Frankie feel.

"She needed help and I was there for her. Her mom had kicked her out of her house since she quit college and the only person she could call was me. You know me, Damien. You know I would let anybody in if they needed help and Frankie needed help. I let her stay at my apartment rent free and gave her my bed for a little while."

"How did it happen?" I asked him. There was no need to explain my question. He knew exactly what I meant and I couldn't find the words to even ask him.

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