Chapter Nineteen

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Frankie's P.O.V.

Damien and I got out of his car, and as I was getting out of the car, I looked at the restaurant while the wind blew my hair in front of my face. I knew this was going to be very pricy and all I could do was look at Damien. "I'm still paying, Frankie," Damien said. I groaned and shut the passenger door. I walked up towards the doors and Damien ran up to me and wrapped his arm around my neck. "Stop pouting."

"I've just had so many people pay for me my whole entire life," I stated. "It just makes me feel bad."

"Then how about this: next date we go to, you can pay for everything and I'll make sure to buy the most expensive meal on the menu," Damien suggested.

"I knew we were meant for each other," I said to him with a smile. He smiled back and gave me a quick kiss before walking in. Damien opened the door for me and I walked in as he walked in behind me. We were greeted by the hostess and I walked over to her. "Hi, table for Lewis."

"Ah, yes, I'll lead you to the table," she said to us. She gave Damien a small grin and I looked at him. He tried to hold back a laugh and put his hands on my waist as we followed her to our table.

"Stop being jelly, Franks," he whispered to me. "I got the perfect girl." I smiled and put my hands on his. My smile died a bit when I saw my moms face. She always looked so annoyed and angry at everything, but Stewart was smiling ever so big and just always looked happy. I didn't realize that him and Damien would have a lot in common.

We were just a few feet away from the table until Stewart saw me and put his hands up. "Francesca!" He yelled out. My mom slapped him in the chest but he didn't react to it. I smiled and chuckled a bit when Damien and I walked up to the table. "Please sit down. We have so much to talk about, but first." Stewart got up and I walked over to him. He had his arms out and I went to hug him. "It's good to see you again, Frankie."

"Good to see you too, Stewart," I said to him. He kissed the side of my head and we pulled away. "Stewart, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend Damien Haas." Damien walked up and I looked at Damien. "Damien, this is Stewart Lewis."

Damien extended his arm out and Stewart took Damien's hand. That made me sigh in relief since my mom left Damien hanging when they first met. Poor baby can't ever catch a break. "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Lewis," Damien said.

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Damien, and please, call me Stewart," he said shaking Damien's hand. I slightly smiled at this only because if one of my parents likes Damien, then that's all that matters to me. They let go and Damien and I sat down. I was in front of mom where Damien was in front of Stewart. "Damien, your name sounds familiar."

"It's because he is a YouTuber," my mom said. I bit my lip and took a deep breath. It's too early to cuss her out right now. "Aren't I right? Isn't that what you do, Damien?"

"Yes, and I actually do a bit of acting. Well, more voice acting than actually acting," Damien replied.

"Oh you do voice acting?" Stewart asked him. "What kind of voice acting do you do?"

"Small Cartoon Network parts and oh, I've done some video games," Damien stated. "I had a very small part in Grand Theft Auto V, but I still thought it was very cool to do something like that."

"That is really cool," Stewart stated. "And acting was how you met Frankie, right?"

"Yeah," he said smiling at me. "She was very nervous when she was there and could barely even speak to me."

"That sounds like our Frankie," Stewart joked. He looked at mom who wasn't paying attention to any of us and she looked at us finally. I tried to give her a small smile, but it was hard when all you could think about is everything she was going to say.

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