Chapter Seventeen

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Shayne's P.O.V.

"Hey Court!" I called out to her. We had finished filming The Show With No Name, and her and Olivia starting making their way out of the room until she looked back at me. She sighed and Olivia looked at her. When I walked towards the doorway, Courtney whispered "I'll catch up with you in a second", and Olivia nodded and walked away. I paused and Courtney started walking up towards me.

"What's up, Shayne?" Courtney asked me. Ever since my last conversation with Noah and her, we've all had a bit of a tension between us. I know Courtney wasn't really mad at me, but I know she was a bit disappointed in me since she's never seen this side of me before.

"I'd like to apologize for the other day," I said to her. She crossed her arms and looked at me with a blank expression. A more hurt and disappointing expression was on her face and I wasn't use to seeing it. "I-"

"Shayne, the reason why I was so mad about the whole thing was because you and Noah were turning on each other. You two work together, you two make jokes, and you two are friends. He got you a job here for god sakes, Shayne, and all you two can do is bicker at one another about a girl," Courtney stated. "There's more to this, isn't there?"

"More to what?" I asked her.

"The reason you're acting like this," she replied. Her eyes widen and mouth slightly dropped. "Is this abou-"

"Don't," I said to her. I wasn't in the mood to hear her name when we were talking about Frankie and Noah. "It's not and I'm not going to talk about it, Courtney."

"Fine," she said. "But all I'm going to say is this; if you choose to "ruin" Frankie's life, make sure it's the right choice." She uncrossed her arms and looked at me. "Because I'm not ready to see a hurt Damien around this building. I'm not ready for him to hate his best friend and I'm not ready for your guys show to go away."

"That's not going to happen, I won't let it."

"Let's only hope," she said. She turned away, but I said,


She turned around and I hugged her. She hesitated at first, but she hugged me back and rubbed her hands on my back.

"Thanks," I said to her. She nodded and we pulled away. I turned my head to see Damien walking in with a smile on his face and he looked at me. "Hey Damien."

"Oh hi, Damien!" Courtney said turning towards him.

"Hey guys," he said. He had a few flyers in his hands and looked at us. "I don't know what you guys are doing this Saturday, but..." he paused and handed us a flyer. I looked at it and looked back up at Damien. "One of Frankie's friends knows the greatest spots to dance and do karaoke and just have fun. I thought it would be great for all of us to have a night out and have fun."

"Last time we went out to a party, Shayne..."

"AHHHHH" I screamed out making Courtney and Damien laugh. I started laughing with them and put my hand over my mouth.

"God damn," Damien said with a small laugh. "Anyway, I know we hate karaoke and can't dance at all, but I think it would be fun."

"I'm totally in," Courtney said. "Who is all going?"

"Well I know Frankie's roommate will be tagging along, but the girl who gave Frankie these wanted all of us to go to this. Boze is going, Joven is definitely going since they serve alcohol."

"And Damien will be drinking a water while everyone is at the bar taking shots," I joked. Courtney started laughing and Damien did his open mouth laugh where nothing came out, but that was always funny to watch.

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