Chapter Twenty Nine

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Frankie's P.O.V.

"How did it go yesterday?" Boze asked me as she picked through her pasta. Once again, I was at Smosh HQ only this time, there wasn't any arguing or people walking out or even people threatening to leave. Today was a lot calmer, but it is only one in the afternoon and Damien doesn't leave here until five; a lot could happen till then. Boze and I were in the kitchen and sitting at the little table that was leaned up on the wall since our food had got here and everybody was still a little busy.

Food was more important to Boze at the moment, but I know she just wanted to talk to me separately about yesterday.

"I can't even imagine what was going through your mind meeting Brittany and Marilyn," Boze continued. "Y'all meeting parents and shit; that's such a big commitment and you know I'm not big on commitment."

"Yeah, I was pretty nervous to the point I started overthinking and worrying Damien," I admitted. I poked through my chicken fajita with my fork and sighed. "It's funny Boze; to know that I'm so worried about a certain someone ruining my relationship with Damien when I know in the end, it'll be me that ruins it with my overthinking."

"Girl, all us females overthink," Boze stated. "It's in our natural. We might not like it, but it's something we gotta deal with." I chuckled and nodded. "I heard about what happened Monday, and I wanna thank you for not putting me into it. Shayne and I have our opinions about, well, you know who." I slowly nodded my head and she continued to say, "and I know that if he knew I told you, it would've started a bigger argument."

"I wasn't going to throw you under the bus like that, Boze," I told her. "I'm just tired of the bullshit drama and I'm only making it worse on myself because of what Shayne is holding over my head."

"I gotta question for you," Boze said as she leaned back in her seat. I looked at her and waited for her to ask, "How long do you plan on keeping this a secret from Damien?"

"Which secret?" I asked, but asking that made me like a shittier person.

"Honestly, both, but mainly what really happened between you and Shayne," Boze replied.

I took a deep breath and looked at her. "I don't want to keep it a secret any longer and apart of me really wishes I hadn't kept it a secret for so long, but at the same time, I've waited this long and he's never asked Shayne or I what happened."

"Because you and Shayne told him that it was just because it didn't work out," Boze pointed out. "You both lied and that's why Damien hasn't bothered asking again."

"I haven't lied," I said. "I have been honest to Damien since I've met him, but I just have not been able to tell him this. Maybe if he did ask..."

"If he asked, you wouldn't tell him. He would have to be very specific for you to finally admit it," Boze stated. I put my hand through my hair, but Boze put her hand on my arm that laid next to my food which made me look at her. "I'm not lecturing you; believe me, I've seen ten times worse and that person never got a lecture from me. I'm the last person that would ever do that because I know you hear it from Becca a lot and it's not fair on you."

"Yeah," I slowly said. "But I appreciate it. I know it's dumb of me to not say anything, but it's just going to take me sometime. We are just so good right now and I honestly don't want to bring up the guy who fucked a past relationship up."

"I need to know what this dude looks like because I mean, he had to be hot to be the second guy you ever fucked," Boze said to me. I stuck my finger up at her and she started laughing. "Do you have a picture of him?"

"I think maybe one," I said to her. Boze took her hand off of me and I picked my phone up and instantly unlocked it with my thumbprint. I went to my google photos since that's where all my saved photos were from every phone I've ever had. As I was scrolling, I looked up to see Boze holding back a laugh. "What?"

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