Chapter Twenty

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Frankie's P.O.V.

"No Damien did not stand up to your mother," Boze said to me. I grinned and looked down at my nails being done. Boze wanted to go get her nails done and invited me to come tag along, but I was with two other girls today who also decided that getting their nails done was something they liked to do too. I was in the middle of Boze and Becca while Becca was in the middle of Phoenix and I.

Phoenix and Becca only hang out and joke around when I was around them, but anytime I wasn't around the two of them, they wouldn't speak to one another. When Becca gets home from work, she comes straight home and leaves her phone on her charger why she watches Netflix in her room yet she use to talk about how often I was home. She really needed to get out more and I had really thought that Phoenix being around more would change that.

It hasn't, but let's hope this party can change that.

"He did and I can honestly say I was quite turned on by it," I said. The woman doing my nails looked up at me, but I couldn't help but to giggle a bit. She smiled and shook her head at me and continued to do my nails. "Damien is the first person who has ever made my mom go speechless and say something very nice right after."

"That's adorable," Phoenix said. She looked over to us and smiled. "I knew that boy was perfect when he walked into work that day with flowers in his hands for you. It's a good thing I didn't walk up to him that day too because shit, I was going too." Boze and I started to laugh while Becca just shook her head with a smile on her face.

"Aren't you into girls, Phoenix?" Boze asked. I shot Boze a look and all she could do was laugh. "What? I can't ask a simple question."

"I'm into both, Boze," Phoenix replied with a chuckle. "But I'm more into females than males. Males are too much drama for me and I love hearing that there is a few guys out there that aren't like that. Like Damien."

"Damien is an actual sweetheart," Boze stated. "And to hear that he did stand up for you, Frankie, doesn't surprise me. He has always talked about looking out for all of us and for some, would play the big brother role. But to be honest, it did surprise me to know he would do that for you with your mother. I would've expected him to stand up for you if a random stranger with hitting on you."

"I still haven't met your mom yet, Franks," Becca pointed out.

"You're welcome," I said to her. We all started laughing and even the women that were doing our nails started laughing with us.

"Girl, I just gotta say how glad I am that you both are together," Boze stated. "The boy is crazy about you and I don't think I've seen such a happy Damien before in my damn life and you know that boy is always happy." I chuckled and nodded my head. "And I'm pretty sure you've never been this happy before either."

"Believe me, she hasn't," Becca said to me. I looked at her and slightly smiled. "It's weird to say this, but your smile differs anytime your happy, nervous, or just sad when you're trying to keep your head up, but the first smile you had when you got to live with me, it's not like the smile you've got now."

"I agree with that shit," Boze stated. I laughed and looked over at her. "I did a bit of Instagram stalking and just could see a difference in your smile from 2015 to now. One of your pictures on there was the inside of Shayne's apartment and I'm surprised nobody has noticed that, but the smile in that photo is different than this smile now. You're actually genuinely happy."

I smiled and slightly nodded my head towards Boze. "Well..." Phoenix started off saying. We all put our attention on her and all she could do was smile. "I can't say I see a difference since I don't live with you or stalk you, but yes, you look happy." We laughed and I shook my head at everyone.

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