Chapter Twenty Two

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Shayne's P.O.V.

The only reason why I came tonight was because Damien really wanted me too. I didn't hate partying and I knew everyone was having a blast tonight, but I wasn't. Damien was with Frankie, Peter and Mari were giddy around each other, and Joven was around Matt Raub, Ian, and Boze. Where with me, I was sitting along side the bar staring at a drink I was debating about drinking with a shot right next to it.

"Well aren't you a party pooper," someone said as they sat beside me. I looked over to see Courtney's smiling bubbly face and looked back towards my drink. "Shayne, come on." She turned me to face everyone who was dancing and sighed. "You should be having fun."

"Well my best friend is having fun with another girl and everybody else is occupied with someone or....something else..." I slowly said as I watched Joven take another shot. Courtney looked at me in my eyes and I shook my head. "Maybe it is hard for me to see them together."

"Shayne Topp is admitting he is wrong? That's a first. Where's Noah to hear this?" Courtney asked. I pushed her head back and she stated laughing, but whining at the same time. "Don't mess my contour up, bitch!" I laughed out loud and clapped my hands at her dumbness. "There we go. I needed the Shayne Topp laugh."

"Thanks Court," I said to her. "I kind of blew off her hi earlier too. I'm such an ass."

"Well, we already knew that," she joked, but I chuckled. "But you're also in this mindset she's a bad person. She keeps Damien happy though, Shayne. You need to remember that." I nodded my head at her. "But other than that, I think you're not in the right mindset to be drinking so I can take the-"

Suddenly, a song I knew very well started playing in the club. Everyone cheered that it was playing besides Courtney and I. She knew why I wasn't cheering and I could see her mouth "uh oh." I clenched my fist and closed my eyes trying to block out the song that was playing. The song that Ronnie and I first danced to. "Fuck it," I said and turned my body towards my shot glass. At The Club by Jacquees had to play now?

"Shayne," Court said to me, but I gulped down the beer I had next to me and sat it down, waiting for the bartender to bring me more shots. "This is gonna be fun. Instead of fucking somebody when you're drunk, it'll be arguing."

Just then, we heard arguing from across the room and I glanced over to see those two girls that came with Frankie standing up and going off on one another. "You just wouldn't understand , Phoenix!" the one girl yelled at her. Boze was sitting there awkwardly and sipping her water while Joven's mouth was dropping.

I glanced over to the dance floor to seeing Damien and Frankie smiling and laughing at one another, and all I could see is him pulling her into a kiss. The thought of her kissing another guy hurt me more than I ever thought it would and I didn't think that would ever happen. Not after everything I went through with....

I rolled my eyes and turned back towards the bar. I took another shot and gripped the glass in my hand. What have I done to deserve this shit? "I can't be here, I gotta go," I heard the same girl say. I glanced over to see her walk away from everyone and start making her way to the dance floor. Well isn't this a pleasant night for all of us.

Frankie's P.O.V.

I kept laughing on the dance floor with Damien as my back was on his chest and his hands were on my hips. Just feeling his hands on my bare skin felt nice and definitely turned me on more than it should've. It's been way too long, but our relationship wasn't there yet and I didn't want that being something we do constantly.

Unless we wanted it to be, but right now, it's just nice for it not being about that.

Just then, Becca starting pushing past people to get to me and Damien. "Damien," I said to her, looking up at him. He took his hands off me slowly and I went to meet Becca halfway while he followed with me. "Becs!" I yelled to her. We finally made it to each other and either the light was making it look like that or Becca was actually crying. "What's wrong?"

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