Chapter Six

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Shayne's P.O.V.

"Damien, hey. Where are you?" I asked into my phone. Even though this was a voicemail message, I had paused and shook my head. "We need to shoot another Damien and Shayne show and you're still not here. Call me back when you get the chance, man." I hung up the phone and sat down on the couch.

"Maybe he is hanging out with that girl," Noah said to me. I rolled my eyes at him, and leaned my head back. We were in the Smosh office since I wasn't going to keep sitting in the room by myself where Damien and I do our show. It was just me and Noah though since everybody else was doing shoots today. Not me though since my best friend is with the girl who fucked me over.

"I don't know why he'd want to hang out with her," I said to him. Noah could feel the tension, and just shook his head towards me. "What?"

"You kept that girl a secret from literally every single one of u-" I shushed him, but he shook his head. "Shayne, no one is in here." I sighed and leaned my head back again. "Courtney and I knew the whole time. You had her living in her house for Christ sakes. We knew something had to be going on." I was in shock that they found out, but I didn't need anybody else knowing.

"I didn't want you guys to get your hopes up on something that wasn't going to last," I told him. I sat myself up and looked at Noah. "And guess who ended up being right in the end?"

"It's stupid to me that you hid her from all of us though," Noah said. I shook my head and looked away from him. "I understand the fans because that's your personal life and you don't need everyone in your shit, but us? The people you work with. Your best fucking friends?"

"It's more complicated than that," I said to him. I got off the couch and walked towards the window.

"Is it though?" Noah asked me. I didn't respond and just kept my eyes on the outside. Noah sighed and said, "you know, you are so angry at her and I don't even understand what happened to you two. But I know this, Shayne. Whatever happened isn't going to happen between Damien and her."

"The fuck are you talking about, Noah?" I asked him and turned towards him. I crossed my arms and asked, "What does that have to do with anything?"

"You're worried about Damien," he stated. "You're worried she'll hurt him, right?" I just stood there and didn't know what to say. "Or do you think it's jealously?"

"Why would I be jealous?" I asked him.

"Because she is your ex and she's happy being around Damien now," Noah replied. I froze up, and closed my eyes. I turned back around from him, and looked out the window again. "You really need to talk to Damien about it."

"And whys that?" I asked him. I hate asking so many questions, but I didn't know what to say anymore.

"Maybe because he doesn't know his own best friend dated her first," Noah pointed out. "Maybe because this is actually bothering you, but you're too stubborn to realize it."

"It's not bothering me," I told him.

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that, Shayne, and let me know where that gets you," Noah stated. I turned my head some and saw him get up to leave. My eyes shut and I took a deep breath.

"What would change if I say it does bother me?" I asked Noah before he walked out. I turned and saw him stand in the doorway. "What if I admit it is bothering me? What's gonna end up changing, Noah?"

"You won't have this grudge against Frankie anymore if you admit it. But if you don't admit that it's bothering you, it could ruin your friendship with Damien, and that could ruin the future of Smosh."

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