Chapter One

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Frankie's P.O.V.

"Oh come on. You really need to look for a new job now?" Rebecca asked me as she moved a piece of hair out of her face and kept her eyes on the side of my face. I chuckled and nodded my head.

"Unless I want to keep working at a shitty diner for the rest of my life or quit and find ways to pull money out of my ass, then yes, this is the perfect time to find a new job" I replied to her. She groaned and put her forehead on my shoulder. "Becs, we can go to the store in a second to get you a new sketch book, but right now, I do need to find a new job."

"Fine" she whined out. "I'm just having a little bit of withdrawals."

"You always have withdrawals and half the time, it's not about drawing" I said to her. She snorted, but I kept going on. "Sometimes, you'll go through withdrawals when your phone dies and you can't find a charger in the house." She slightly pushed me and I chuckled.

"But seriously though, why don't you want to work at the diner anymore? I thought you made good money there, and you also get great tips!" Rebecca said to me.

My fingers slightly brushed the keys to my laptop and I sighed. "Well I only have one person that tips and she's kind of cheap when she does it. Seriously, Rebecca? Do the math" I joked. She rolled her eyes and giggled. "But I don't want to be waiting tables for the rest of my life and I don't want to find a boyfriend who has a job where I don't need to pay for anything. I'm not becoming my mom."

"You're nothing like your mom though" Rebecca said. You don't even know the half of it, sweetheart. "For the past year that I have known you, you've worked your ass off to get where you are and I didn't expect you too."

"No, but I expected myself too" I admitted. "I was lucky enough to live with someone like you since we became best friends, but I didn't want you to feel like I was useless. I already think I'm a piece o-"

"Of shit, Franks, I know" she finished for me. "But you aren't. You say that you are but you aren't. When you first moved here, you explained how you never got along with your mother and when you dropped out of college, you felt like you weren't worth it because she made you feel that way. That's not true at all, Frankie. You've surely proved you are worth it, and I'm proud to see you proving it to yourself instead of your mother."

I smiled and slightly nodded my head at her. "Okay, fine. You win." I shut the laptop and looked at her. "I'll go get ready." She cheered and pulled me into a hug as her straight dark brown hair covered my face up. I laughed as she pulled away and ran into her room to get herself ready.

I sat up from the couch and put my laptop on the coffee table. I ruffled my hair a few times with my left hand and sighed. Just even thinking about when I first met Rebecca, it sadden me. I felt like such a burden on her, but she took me in right away. Even when I told her my ex also kicked me out, she decided to bring me right in. Didn't even ask why he kicked me out.

Good thing too. I don't think I'm ready to explain that to her just yet.

The way she opened up to me though was unreal, as if she knew we would become best friends instantly when I moved in. The fact that when she told me why she was looking for a roommate made me actually cry that day. Her girlfriend Allison (though she calls her Ally) passed away just a month ago in a car accident, and Rebecca didn't like being alone in the apartment by herself so she wanted a fun chick to be around. She unfortunately got me, but even saying that makes her want to hit me.

Some people at work always question to why I would want to live with someone who is attracted to girls. I told them that it doesn't bother me at all. I had friends in high school that liked their gender and I didn't hate them for it. Love is love, and I respect it. Even if I don't know what it is. But Rebecca made it pretty clear that she knows I'm attracted to guys and she loves having me as her roommate and even her best friend. Nothing more.

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