Chapter Twenty Five

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Frankie's P.O.V.

Being at Smosh HQ for a second time was just as exciting as the first time, but it was even more exciting to see Becca sitting in the office drawing Courtney. She was really serious about drawing everyone here, but insisted on drawing Courtney first before anybody. Part of me really thinks Becca has a crush on her, but another part of me realizes that Courtney has better face structure than a lot of us.

Yes, I'm a tad bit jealous of Courtney. Could you blame me?

I'm jealous of most of the girls here as it was. They all just had these different looks that they could pull off so well and I honestly wish I had a look. Mari makes me feel a bit better about myself since her and I both have no boobs, Olivia and I barely have eyelashes, Courtney and I both burp, and Boze... god, I can't even explain that. But she definitely knows how to make me feel better about myself.

I'm grateful for her.

Just as much as I'm grateful for Damien.

As sad as I was, I was wearing Damien's flannel that he let me wear (but of course washed it) the other night today with a tee shirt, ripped black jeans and converses. I also had my hoop nose ring back in and was wearing my black beanie I had. I was wearing more of a comfortable clothes this time than the last time I first came here, but now that I know them and have been around them, I'm able to dress like myself.

Even though Becca didn't want me too.

"Damien, I didn't know you wear women's flannels?" Matt Raub joked. I was standing beside Damien and Matt Raub was in front of us. I giggled and looked at Damien who just shook his head at Matt.

"Get out of here," he said to him. "Ever since she wore it the other night, she can't stop wearing it."

"Hey, I'll have you know that I washed it last night because I knew I was wearing it today," I said to him. He giggled and Matt Raub just shook his head.

"Yeah, but that's still weird that you've basically worn it for two days straight," Matt said to me.

"I haven't worn it for two days straight!" I said defensively. Damien wrapped his arm around my neck and put his hand on my head and pulled me to him.

"There there, you don't have to be so defensive about it," Damien said as he patted my head. I pushed him off of me and he giggled very loudly. He turned his head and waved over at someone. "Tanner, hey! I want you to meet somebody!"

I looked over to see someone with long, pushed back blonde hair and pretty blue eyes walking over to us. He was wearing a gray sweatshirt, jeans, and he had facial hair that I kept looking at. He looked a lot like Shayne to me, but he might even be hotter than Shayne. If he doesn't act like the Shayne I've seen for a while now, he might honestly be better than Shayne.

"Hey Damien, what's up?" the guy asked him.

"Tanner, I like you to meet my girlfriend, Frankie Brooks," Damien said to him. "You weren't here the last time she came in, but I also didn't introduce her to everyone as my girlfriend either." I blushed a bit and looked at Tanner. "Franks, I like you to meet Tanner Risner or as I like to call him, B- Shayne Topp!"

"Come on, man, really?" Tanner asked him wit a small chuckle. "Why am I a B-? Can I at least be a B+ or even just an A?"

"If it makes you feel better, Tanner, I don't think you look that much like Shayne," I told him. "If anything, you're an A+ Shayne Topp."

"Thank you, Frankie," Tanner said to me. "See, she's a lot nicer than you and Shayne are." Damien and I laughed at Tanner and he started laughing along with us. I looked over Tanner's shoulder to see Shayne walking into the office and walking up behind Becca to see the portrait.

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