Chapter Three

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Frankie's P.O.V.

No one could understand the pain I was going through as I laid in my bed with my eyes wide open. As much as I tried to sleep last night, I couldn't stop thinking about Austin trying to call me. I haven't spoken to him since I left and I always had this gut feeling that he hated me after I left. My mom probably put so much shit in his head that all he can do is hate me for leaving. He probably doesn't even know that she kicked me out.

I miss him.

My sweet younger brother. The only person who was ever there for me. It's been over two years since I've seen him and this is the first time I have seen him trying to contact me. And I ignored it. More importantly, I ignored Damien's FaceTime call too because I was too scared to answer either. Just seeing Austins name appear on my phone with also the photo of us when I was ten and he was six, it just made me feel sick to my stomach.

I had to explain myself to Damien though. He doesn't need to think I ignored him last night right after I texted him. At least with Austin, he could've thought I was sleeping. I texted Damien right after he sent his number and he FaceTime me instantly. If I could fall asleep that instantly, I wish I could fall asleep more often.

Rebecca was at work and I didn't have to go to work until one today. It was ten now and I wasn't going to take a shower until twelve so I decided to FaceTime Damien. Maybe he will answer and if not, well I blew it last night. Or maybe he is at the Smosh Games HQ working. Either way, I tried and if he doesn't answer, I'll send a text apologizing for not responding to his call.

I clicked on the "Missed FaceTime Call" on my notifications and it instantly called Damien. I ruffled my hair a bit that didn't change from last night at all. I barely moved in my bed. All I could keep thinking about was what Austin wanted to talk to me about. Why after two years of not speaking, you give me a call now?

After a few rings, I notice it saying connecting. His tired face showed up in the screen but he was smiling. This boy never stops smiling. His hair was a mess and he was wearing his glasses. "Hey!" he said to me, then started to yawn.

"Hey" I said with a giggle. "Did I just wake you up?"

"Yeah, a little bit" he chuckled out. He rubbed his eyes and looked at me. "It's okay though. I'm glad you called."

"I just felt so bad for not answering last night" I told him.

"Don't worry about it, Frankie" he said to me. "It was late and I don't know what I was thinking."

This definitely sucked. "No, I was up. I like using FaceTime and I was so close to answering your call, but right when you were calling me, my younger brother started calling me and I haven't talked to him in over two years. I freaked out and just sat my phone down and went to bed. I just feel bad that I didn't answer."

He looked at me and slightly smiled. "Well, it hurts me to know I was ignored last night and the only way I'll be okay is if you go to lunch with me today." My eyes widen in surprise but I smiled. "You just gave me so many mixed signals, I have no idea if it's your way of saying yes or no."

"It meant yes" I told him with a giggle. He smiled at me and I could feel my body going a tad bit numb. There's something about him and I don't know what it is. I'm pretty sure every female has said that once in their life. "I have work at one though so I might come to lunch in my uniform."

"That's perfectly fine. I'm just glad you said yes" he admitted. "But I will let you go so you can get ready. I need to take a shower to wake myself up. I'll text you where we should go to lunch and I'll see you there in about an hour?"

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