Chapter Fifteen

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Frankie's P.O.V.

"I can't believe both of us have lost our fathers," Damien said to me. We were walking hand and hand on the sidewalk of Los Angeles. It was beautiful tonight in the city and to know I was holding hands with Damien made it even more beautiful. "If you don't mind me asking, how did you lose yours? I know I told you when I first met you about mine."

And that he did, but I knew talking about that with him might sadden him and I didn't want that. Not after how amazing this night has been with him so far. "My father was a very intelligent man, but as intelligent he might've been, he was reckless and didn't think before he acted. Dad had this company party and before he went to it, my mom and him got into a big argument.

"They argued for god only knows how long. I was in Austin's room covering his ears because I didn't like when he heard my parents arguing. I didn't want something like that influencing his life like it has with mine." I sighed, but continued on. "My mother was helping our aunt out since she had no money, but..." I looked at Damien.

"You grew up to find out she did drugs?" Damien asked me. I nodded my head. "I think everyone has grown up to know someone in their family does and we never know how to react to it." He slightly rubbed his thumb on my hand and looked at me. "Continue."

"My mom took a lot of money out of the bank and gave it to her. Dad was pissed because she didn't talk to him about it, but it was because mom knew he'd say no to giving her money since my aunt put that on herself. Long story short, mom didn't want to go to the company party with my father so he went alone. This was something my mom regretted for almost two years.

"He went to the company party and I guess got drunk, and as glad I am that he wasn't driving, I'm not glad at the choice he still made." I took deep breaths because this was something I didn't want to remember. I forgot how much this hurt me. Damien kissed my head and kept slowly rubbing his thumb on my hand. "When they were leaving, dad said he wasn't going to drive, but he still got into a car with people who were drinking.

"I knew how upset he was when mom said she wasn't going to the party and I know apart of him was ready to get home, but that next morning, I was in the kitchen with Austin and I hear a knock at the front door. My mom was getting ready in her room so I decided to answer the door. When I opened the door, two police officers were in front of me. My mom walked out and they said they had to talk to her.

"I told Austin to stay inside, and I opened the door enough for me to see and hear what the cops were telling my mother. When they said my father had passed away in a car accident, I backed away from the door and fell into one of the steps on the upstairs. Austin ran to me and I couldn't stop crying. My mom came in and saw me, and believe it or not, she yelled at me at first; she was angry that I would eavesdrop on the conversation when it had nothing to do with me, but she stopped and saw the pain in my eyes. Just like the pain I saw in her eyes.

"She fell to the floor and pulled Austin and I both into a hug. Austin asked where dad was and I just couldn't face them anymore. I had ran upstairs and ran into my room crying. I didn't want to believe it, but I knew it was real since he wasn't home and he would never stay out that late. It messed me up for a while."

"I'm sorry, Frankie," he said to me.

"Don't be," I said. "I haven't thought about that in so long. I haven't thought about him in so long and I hate that."

"Were you two close?" Damien asked.

"Closer than my mom and I were," I admitted. "Maybe it's just because it's the whole daddy's little girl thing, but I looked up to my dad. After losing him, I lost myself. After my mom got remarried, I was scared of getting close to another father figure again, but Stewart was a great guy and he was there when I needed him.

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