Chapter Twenty Seven

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Frankie's P.O.V.

"Damien just straight up told you that this Veronica girl was having an affair?" Phoenix asked me. I nodded and kept wiping the counter at work. It was a Tuesday afternoon and it was really slow which is something a lot of us aren't use too. Normally during the afternoon of the weekdays were our busiest, but today wasn't and I was honestly just trying to find stuff to do. And since there was only a few customers in the store, I was able to talk to Phoenix about this. "Wait, who is this Anthony guy?"

"Anthony Padilla is the creator of Smosh and Ian's best friend since they were in like the sixth grade," I told her. "He posted a video in June about his departure, but I have no idea when he officially left the company."

"Did he leave because of that girl?" Phoenix asked me. "I'm just confused on this whole thing."

"Phoenix, so many stories have been told to me, I can't even catch up with them," I admitted with a small chuckle. "But god, if you only saw how pissed Shayne was at me. This was pure anger and the only time I had ever seen him like that was wh-" I paused and just sighed. "When he found out I cheated on him."

"Okay, but the fucker probably ruined their relationship, Frankie," Phoenix pointed out. "Even though Damien wasn't able to admit it to you, you know that's what happened. They won't talk about how important this girl was to Shayne because Shayne was probably in love with her while she was still dating Anthony." I kept trying to shush her since she was getting a tad bit worked up, but this was Phoenix we were talking about. "Shayne's a prick."

"Yeah, but if I get involved anymore with this bullshit, it could cost me my relationship with Damien," I stated. "Phoenix, I like this boy too much and I'm not trying to be on Shayne's bad side anymore. I've hurt him way too many times."

"You didn't hurt him though; you just stated facts," Phoenix admitted. "And Courtney didn't have to be a dick about it the whole time."

"She was just protecting Shayne," I defended. "But god, it was just annoying how she was protecting him and against everyone else who kept trying to defend me. Becca even spoke up and all Courtney did was shoot her down too." I put my hand through my hair (which was fading more and more) and sighed. "I just didn't think talking about this girl could cause so much drama."

"Do you even know what she looks like?" Phoenix asked me.

"No," I replied. "This girl is seriously a mystery; it's like she doesn't even exist. I've tried looking her up as Veronica on Smosh, but that didn't work since apparently, she's not on there either."

"Do you really think Defy is that childish enough to just take the videos of her off YouTube?" Phoenix asked me.

"That, or she just wasn't in that many videos to begin with," I told her. "Then since Shayne doesn't have me blocked on Instagram anymore, I tried checking who he was following and she wasn't even on there either."

"Did you check Boze's Instagram?" Phoenix asked me.

"Nix, I checked it all," I replied. "I checked Boze's, I checked Damien's, I checked Noah's, Anthony's, all of them; they all don't have photos of her on there and they don't follow her. I'm guessing when she left, she cut all ties with everyone from Smosh. By the way it sounds, none of them have talked to her since she's left and it just makes absolutely no sense to me to why she left. All I can think about is what Boze said at the nail salon that day about how he could've changed her mind, but he didn't. More happened and it won't ever be explained."

"She's just a girl; I'm so confused on why they won't talk more about her," Phoenix stated.

"All I know is that I'm done talking about her," I admitted. "I can't have another argument with Courtney again at the office and I can't have Shayne hate me more than he does. I'm on thin ice, Phoenix." She slowly nodded, but her attention went towards the door and she instantly smiled. I looked at her confused, but when I looked over to who walked in, I smiled as well. "Damien, hey."

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