Chapter Twenty Three

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Frankie's P.O.V.

Watching Damien sleep was the most beautiful thing ever and one of the most creepiest, but I know it wouldn't be creepy to him. He would do the same for me if he spent the night at my apartment. I smiled at my little sleepy boy and put my hand on the side of his head; brushing my fingers through his hair slowly.

I was in one of his flannels with just my undies on underneath. I still didn't have a bra which was fine, but wearing this makes me think of a future with Damien Haas and I've never thought that deep into my future with someone. What I imagined was Damien and I having our own apartment together while I'm in the kitchen cooking (that's a first) while wearing one of his flannels and he comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist.

Just the thought of this made my heart flutter.

Damien slowly started opening his eyes and I couldn't help but to smile at my boyfriend as he squinted his eyes and smiled back at me. "Good morning, sunshine," I giggled out. "Someone was tired from last night more than I was."

He chuckled and put his hand on my back to pull me closer to him. "Oh hush, you silly goose," he said. I giggled once again and I pecked his lips. "How'd you sleep?"

"Actually pretty well," I admitted. "I normally don't sleep well at other people's houses, but I slept really good last night. Something just felt right sleeping here." Damien smiled at me and rubbed his hands on my lower back. "I felt like such a burden on you."

"Stop," he said slowly and kissing me again. I smiled at him and started running my fingers through his hair. "I'm so happy you came back into my life. Ever since my last breakup, I never expected to be this happy again, but you make me even happier." I smiled at him and nodded my head.

"I feel the same way," I said to him. I pecked his lips and I could hear him starting to whine when I stated pulling away. "I need to get up. I have work today and I also need to call Becca to see if she ever made it home last night." I got up from the bed and he just laid his head down on the pillow and smack his hand on the bed which made Zelda jump up to him.

"I didn't call for you, goose," he said to Zelda. Zelda ran her body on his face and he just laughed and I started giggling. He sat himself up on the bed and I started dialing Becca's number on my phone. "She never sent anything to you last night?" Damien asked me as he started petting Zelda.

"No, but that's how Becca is. She wants to be alone and when she's ready to talk, she will. I just need to know if she's alright is all," I stated. Damien nodded and kept petting Zelda. I put my phone up to my ear and started ruffling the back of my hair to feel the knots in my waves. Great.

"Hey love," she responded.

"Becs, hey," I said to her. "I didn't expect you to respond right away since it's pretty early in the morning."

"Well I just got home," she admitted. "I see you aren't here either. You spend the night at Damien's?"

"Yeah, I was really tired last night," I said to her. Damien got up from his bed, and walked over to me to give me a kiss on my head and then walking to his bathroom. I smiled and watched him as he shut the door behind him. I started walking out of his room and looking around his apartment. "I didn't want Damien driving all the way back to my apartment since we had to drop Shayne off."

"Why did you have to drop Shayne off?" She is quick to keep changing the subject. That's a fucking first.

"He got wasted so I took him home in his car while Damien went to pick me up from his apartment. He lives farther away from us since I made sure of it," I told Becca. "But enough about me. There's more serious business we need to talk about." I plopped on Damien's couch and laid my legs out on it.

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