Chapter Twelve

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Frankie's P.O.V.

It was the next day, and I was in my bathroom doing a bit of my makeup. My hair was pulled back into a ponytail and as I was doing my makeup, I kept pausing to clear my throat. Dammit Damien. I was wearing my black tee that said "Abby's" on it, my white jeans, and Becca's black converses. I was also wearing the bracelet Austin made me when he was five years old and wearing the necklace that Becca bought me for my birthday.

It makes me realize that my father never really left anything for us when he died. It was hard on all of us since my father was a good man,  but he wasn't able to leave us anything because he didn't have anything to give us. My stepfather on the other hand, he made sure he left his mark on us.

I can't ever say I hate him; I never did, but I hate the way he let my mom treat him. Stewart is a good man as well which proves my mom has good taste in men, but he works hard at was he does and my mom just sits there and takes it all in. She treats him like shit and he is okay with it. Is that how love works? Maybe that's why I've never understood it.

Just then, a knock was on my bathroom door. I looked over and Becca was in the doorway. "Hey," she softly said to me.

"Hey," I said.

"How is Damien feeling?" she asked me. This little small talk was killing me. What I said was over the line, but I didn't think it was that bad.

"The same," I responded back. "He called me this morning and he hadn't even said hey yet because he was too busy coughing. But he said he'll get better and he is going to try to go to work." She nodded her head, but didn't say anything. "Becca, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought Ally up yesterday. I was just so pissed off by the whole thing because you were making it seem like it was easy to tell you about Shayne and I."

"I know," she said to me. She kept looking down at the floor and playing with her fingernail. "I just wish the topic about her didn't still hurt. It's been a year and I'm still grieving."

"It takes time, Becs," I said to her. "You two were together for a while. A really long time. I only wish to be with someone that long."

"Damien Haas is a great start for you," she said to me. I giggled and slightly shrugged which caused her to giggle. "You guys have been hinting it a lot now. You basically proved it yesterday just by taking off and staying there all day. Surprised you didn't spend the night."

"That's a bit much," I said with a nervous chuckle. "I definitely like him a lot."

"So does this mean we won't freak out over Shayne's little threat?" Becca asked. I mean, it's still an option. "I just think he is all talk, Franks. He is really going to risk his own best friends happiness by telling him how you cheated on Shayne a year ago? A fucking year ago?"

"But you said it yourself, cheaters never change," I pointed out.

She sighed. "I did say that, but you aren't Leslie either," she admitted. I slightly shrugged. "I'm serious, Frankie. There's a difference between sleeping with one person than sleeping with other people literally every single day. You weren't proud of what you did either."

"Yeah, but I also made out with him in the office," I pointed out.

"Okay, well that's also on him since he is the one who kissed you first where, correct me if I'm wrong, if Damien found out about that, he'd be more mad at Shayne and would call Shayne out for that shit," she said to me. She wasn't wrong.

"He definitely wasn't happy with Shayne when he found out about Shayne and I since Damien asked Shayne about me and Shayne just lied," I told her.

"Point proven," she said. "I really don't think you have anything to worry about. Don't think too much into it." She came up to me and we hugged, but it was a quick one. "Have a good day at work." I nodded my head. "We are cool by the way. We are best friends, punk. You don't need to worry about every little thing."

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