Chapter Eleven

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The Next Day...

Frankie's P.O.V.

My eyes kept looking at my alarm clock that told me it was 8:30. I wasn't able to sleep last night without thinking about what Shayne had said to me, and all because that kiss between us made him say that to me. It made me sigh though. I know that didn't count as cheating since Damien and I aren't actually together, but I felt like I betrayed him since we both knew how we felt about each other.

Why was I still stuck on Shayne?

Was? Yeah, that's the right word.

Maybe that was the closure I needed all along. I needed that last kiss to show me that it was really over with him. I groaned and turned around all the way so my face could be pushed into my pillow. I'm really a bad person. I'm the definition of a whore who Damien is going to waste his time on.

As Damien crossed my mind, I heard my phone going off. I looked up from my pillow with my hair in front of my face and saw Damien's face appear on my phone. He was FaceTiming me way too early this morning. I grabbed my phone and sat my chin on my pillow. I answered the FaceTime to see Damien lying in bed as well.

"Why you up so early, Haas?" I asked him with a grin. He chuckled, but instantly started coughing. "Whoa, you okay?"

"Yeah," he coughed out. He took one deep breath and looked back at me. "Sorry. I think I'm starting to get sick." I pouted towards him and he slightly chuckled. "Yeah, I know. I'm always getting sick and I don't know why. My coughing woke me up this morning. I think I'm starting to get bronchitis. God dammit."

"I hope you won't go to work today. You're in no condition at all," I told him.

"Thanks," he chuckled out. I rolled my eyes, but giggled. "I think I might call Matt Raub and tell him. I'm feeling awful." He sounded awful and he looked tired. He was very congested by the way he was talking which made me pout even more.

"I'm gonna come over in a bit and bring you medicine and comfort food," I said to him. He slightly smiled at me and nodded his head. "Just get some rest before I get there. I'll text you when I'm on my way to give you a heads up."

"Thanks, Frankie," he said to me. "I'll send you the address to my apartment."

"See you in a bit," I said to him. He waved and we got off of the FaceTime called. I sat my phone back on my nightstand and laid my head back into my pillow and groaned as I heard my bedroom door opened.

"Wow, you sound happy," Becca said to me. I picked my head up and turned towards her. She had gotten her hair down yesterday and I wasn't able to really see it until now. I was with Damien and the Smosh Games crew all day yesterday, and it was great. Playing video games, going out for lunch (which I was happy about because I was in Mari's, Boze's, and Damien's Instagram story), and went back to play more video games.

There was no Shayne involvement at all, but that's what worried me even more. I felt like he was trying to distant himself after what we did. Well, what he did. Fuck, he was right. I do sometimes blame others before myself. I sat up from my bed and looked at her. "Your hair looks good," I said to her. She has it up in a pony tail and a bit was shaved off on the sides. It fit her well. Wonder how she would feel if I get my hair colored blue.

"Aww, thanks for finally noticing," she joked. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "How was yesterday?"

"It was good," I told her. "Great really. They were so nice and they warmed up to me really well. I was so surprised and a bit of my awkwardness came back, but it went away after actually meeting them. Mari said I could come there whenever I wanted to just to play video games with them. I didn't ever expect this type of attention from other people."

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