Chapter Twenty Four

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Frankie's P.O.V.

Being the one to close usually sucked since I had to make sure everything was cleaned and checked. I was mopping the floor and hated every second of it since my mother use to have me mop the kitchen floors which she complained about too since I didn't do it her way. I hated being home, but since I had no friends, I didn't have much of a choice.

Or I did since I could've made friends, but no one wanted to be my friend anyway.

Just two guys who I never hung out with outside of the set of So Random!

Suddenly, my phone started ringing and I walked back to put the mop back into the bucket. I put my hand in my back pocket and pulled my phone out to see the photo of Damien and I. I answered it and put my phone up to my ear. "Hey baby, what's up?"

"You're still working?" He asked me.

"Unfortunately," I replied. "Paul has me closing tonight because he doesn't trust Phoenix closing and he is pissed at her for what she did last night to Becca so he sent her home early. I'm the only one he trust enough to shut everything down. I'm almost done anyway."

"Well I'm glad but..." he started off saying. Just then, I heard knocking on the front door. I turned my head and saw Damien Haas standing outside the front door of the diner. He was smiling at me and I smiled back at him as I started walking up to the door with my phone still against my ear. I unlocked the front door and opened it to look up at him. "I just had to see you before you left."

I hung the phone up and he walked in, then placed his hand on my side and his hand gently on my cheek and pulled me into a kiss. I smiled into the kiss and put my arms around his neck. I was falling hard for this boy and I knew he was falling for me too, but it scared me how strong our relationship was getting. With everything that has happened with Shayne, who knows what he was going to do.

I might've gotten closure, but that closure could've caused a whole bunch of shit with Shayne Topp.

We pulled away from the kiss and we just chuckled at one another. "Well I'm glad you came to see me, Haas. I needed this," I said to him.

"I'm glad I came, Brooks," he said and instantly giggled. I smiled and pecked his lips. We pulled away and he turned to shut the door while I walked back over to the mop and bucket. "Oh damn, they got you mopping?"

I started sarcastically laughing and Damien held back from laughing. "Fucking Paul man," I said to him. I started pushing the bucket back towards the back and looked back to Damien to say, "I can make you something to eat if you want me to."

"Frankie, you don't have to do that," he said to me. "You've been on your feet all day and you're tired and..."

"Dames, it's fine," I said to him. "Think of it as me repaying you for letting me stay over last night."


"Shhh! Just accept it!" I yelled out. He started giggling and I couldn't help but to laugh back at him. "Fine, I have a burger, tenders, and fries back here that Paul asked the cook to make for me since I was closing tonight. Better?"

"A little bit," Damien said with a grin. I shook my head with a chuckle and kept pushing the mop till I got to the closet. I opened it up and pushed the mop and bucket in there, then shut the door and went to the employee bathroom to wash my hands. I know how Damien is when it comes to that kind of stuff and just the thought of me eating after mopping, it wasn't a pretty thought.

I gagged to myself thinking about that.

I dried my hands off and walked out of the bathroom. I grabbed the to-go box and walked back over to Damien who was sitting at a booth. Not Becca's booth, but a booth that was near the door. Poor boy didn't want to step on the floor too much since I mopped it. He was a complete sweetheart.

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