Chapter Seven

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Frankie's P.O.V.

"So you never told me your thoughts on Damien," I said to Becca. It was the next day, and we were both sitting on our living room couch together. I had a few hours to kill since I didn't have to go to work until 3 today so I decided to spend some time with Becca. Damn, she was right. I'm always stuck in this house.

"I really like him," she admitted. "I think he is the perfect match for you, but..." She paused and looked away from me. I raised my eyebrow at her in confusion. I didn't know where she was going with this and it kind of scared me. "How did you choose Shayne over Damien? That's my only thing that confuses me."

I sighed and ruffled my messy bed head. "Becs..." I slowly said. "Shayne and I just had this connection I'm so unable to explain. We just connected when we first met and I only had his number at the time. When shit went down with my mom, I was in a parking lot in my car and the only person I was able to call at that time was Shayne. Still to this day, I still wonder why he let me in to his home."

"Because he cared about you," Becca said to me. I sighed and leaned my head back in the couch. "Because in a way, he did love you." Yeah, and look who fucked that up? "How was your guys relationship? Healthy? Unhealthy? Happy? Unhappy?"

"Unhealthy," I instantly replied. "If we only took shit slow, I think it would've been alright." I leaned myself back up and did a small chuckle. "We both knew right away how we felt about each other, but we didn't know if it would should act on it since I was living at his apartment so we never did anything. Until that one goddamn night.

"This will sound so corny, but it was really true. I remember Shayne telling me the story of him and Damien playing this game, and explaining how mad he got while playing it because he kept losing stars. I wanted to play it because I wanted to see the anger in his face since he was such a sore loser so we played Mario Party on the Wii.

"When I finally won the game, I became such a sore winner and rubbing it in his face how he lost. I literally stood up and was in his face bragging how I won until he grabbed my waist and pulled me on the couch. Asshole knew I was ticklish on my sides and he wouldn't stop at all until our faces were inches apart from each other. And that's when we had our first kiss.

"As beautiful as that sounds, Shayne and I had to take it farther than what we did." Becca made a face and shook her head towards me. "We sat each other up while we were kissing, and he instantly picked me up with his muscular arms as I wrapped my legs around his waist. I won't get into details, but he ended up laying me on his bed and we had sex."

"Well," Becca started off saying. "Was the sex good at all?" We both busted out laughing, but I did nod my head. "That's just what confused me by the whole thing with Damien. Damien is just your cute dorky guy next door where Shayne is the jock every girl wanted."

"As I said before, Shayne knows how to talk to women," I told her. I sat myself up again and just looked at her. "God, thinking back to that day, I forgot how much I really did love him." This ended up really fucking me up. They say to never remember the worse in a relationship, but I ignored that saying and thought the worse of Shayne. I just didn't like how we turned out in the end.

"So that answered my question from yesterday," Becca said to me. What question? "You still have feelings for Shayne."

"I don't though," I said to her. I stood up from sitting and turned to face her. "Ever since we broke up and I was living out in my car for three days, I realized there was no feelings there anymore for Shayne. The fact he let me go in such a bad way and wouldn't even give me the chance to find a place before I left. He knew I couldn't call my mom or brother. He knew I had no one and yet he still kicked me out."

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