Chapter Thirty

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Frankie's P.O.V.

"Wait, Damien is taking you out on another date?" Becca asked me. I was getting a small bag packed since we were going to be gone for the whole day and Becca was sitting at the end of my bed while I was going into my closet to grab a different outfit.

"Don't judge my boyfriend for wanting to spoil me," I replied with a giggle.

"I'm not; it's actually really cute," Becca admitted. "Damien seems like that type of boyfriend that is kind of old fashioned, but still makes it very interesting and fun." I smiled and nodded. "Do you think he wants to wait till marriage for sex?"

"Jesus Christ, Becca," I said aloud.

"I'm only teasing," she said with a giggle. "But it makes me think though." I paused on packing and looked at her. "When we've talked about Shayne and you, Shayne seemed like the type to always initiate sex. Is that true?"

"A little bit, yeah," I told her. "But I'm not gonna sit here and put that all on him. It's something I wanted to-"

"No, I know, but I more mean who would come onto who first," Becca explained.

"A lot of the times, it would be Shayne," I stated.

"Something tells me Damien would be opposite of that. I don't know what it is, but I just feel like Damien would want the girl to initiate it because it shows him that the girl is ready and comfortable with taking it to that next step other than him initiating it and making the girl feel like she has to."

I nodded and looked at her. "Yeah, I think that would be the case," I said. I zipped the bag up and sat beside her on the bed while she looked at me. "There's more to Shayne and I's first time than I've talked about, and it's not that I didn't want to talk about it. It was just the fact I didn't want to get too much in detail with it."

"Understandable," Becca said.

I sighed and looked at her. "I didn't think too much of us kissing when we were on the couch that night; hell, it felt right kissing him and it felt like we had done it before, but he was my first kiss so of course that wasn't true. And even with the slightest touches on me, it felt right, but I don't know. When he lifted me up and carried me to his bedroom, I knew what was to come and I didn't think I was ready for it."

"He didn't force you-"

"Oh god no," I said. "No, he asked plenty of times if I was okay with it and I told him yes, but I just more mean I didn't think I was ready to go that far with him yet. I just think that we started our relationship off completely wrong and I kept telling myself to stop it from happening, but-"

"Franks, you were a virgin at that time. Your hormones were all out of wack that day; it just makes sense that you wanted it to happen and hey, I'm not judging you," she told me. I chuckled and shrugged. "But explain more to me."

"Basically it just happened," I told her. "He laid me on the bed, asked me if I was okay with it, and I just nodded. And it makes me wonder what would've happened if I had said no. If we would've taken our time and worked on our relationship and just talked out our differences. Maybe I could've understood him better on why he wanted to hide me from his friends and fans, and maybe we could've made a compromise on it."

"It's all in the past now, F," Becca pointed out.

"I just think of all the times he would come home and want too," I admitted. "And I didn't mind it; it was good, but I wanted more than just sex with him. I wanted a relationship and I wanted to meet the friends he always talked about." I sighed and looked at her. "I wanted to see Damien again."

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