Chapter Thirty One

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Shayne's P.O.V.

"As much as I don't want to do it, it's time to draw you," Rebecca said as she was leading me into one of the Smosh offices. The same office that Frankie decided to run her mouth about an old friend and today on this Friday, Rebecca pulled me away from Courtney and Keith. She had finished drawing Noah's and Mari's portraits yesterday and since Olivia wasn't here today, I was next, but as you can tell, she wasn't too thrilled by it.

I'm suppose to be the pissed off one because of what she said on Wednesday.

We walked into the office and I shut the door behind me as Rebecca sat in her chair and scooted closer towards the table. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the chair she had in front of her and I looked to see she was looking down at her notebook and not at me. "You know, you don't have to act like this just because Frankie talks a lot of shit on me," I stated. I sat down and she looked up at me as her hair fell to her face, but she chuckled and shook her head.

"God, your ego is bigger than your forehead," Rebecca retorted.

"Jesus Christ, Rebecca," I said, but I started laughing since that was a good burn. She was fighting back a laugh, but her lips started to slowly curve and her bright white teeth started to show and I heard a slight chuckle come out.

"God dammit, I shouldn't be laughing at your dumb ass. I'm suppose to hate you," Becca admitted while shaking her head and biting her lip. Now I wasn't laughing and started to think into that.

"Why?" I asked as I sat up in my chair. Rebecca looked at me in seriousness now and I shrugged. "Because Frankie asked you to?"

"No, Shayne," Becca replied annoyingly. "You gotta stop making her into this bad guy you think she is."

"But she-"

"I know what she did to you a year ago, Shayne, but you need to realize that she's not that same girl she was then." I shook my head and looked away from her, but she sighed and I could feel her eyes still looking towards me. "I'm sorry about the forehead joke; that was so uncalled for," she apologized. I chuckled and nodded, then looked back at her with a small smile. "And I'm sorry for the attitude I had towards you Wednesday too, but I'm not apologizing for what I said."

"I'm not either," I admitted. Now there was tension in the room and that's when my smile went away. She shrugged and looked down at her notebook and started to draw, but I took a deep breath and shot a look at her. "Rebecca, what do you want me to say?"

"You've said all that needed to be said, haven't you?" she asked.

"But you expect more, don't you?"

"Because everything you've said so far is just bullshit," Rebecca stated. She looked up at me and sighed. "Shayne, I'm exactly like you; I can't admit how I'm feeling so I hide it with anger or happiness just to make myself feel better. I hold back how I'm actually feeling because I don't want to be questioned and when I am, it sets me off and I lie right through my fucking teeth." She threw the pencil down, leaned down, and put her right hand on her forehead. I just kept looking at her and she chuckled. "And my own best friend doesn't even know the shit I'm dealing with since I'm not talking about it."

"What shit are you dealing with?" I asked her.

She snorted. "Yeah, like you care," she said as she sat back up in her chair.

"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't," I admitted. She looked at me and I sighed. "I'm not all that bad, Rebecca. I'm just a guy who got messed up by two girls he really loved and that's why I'm like this. Seeing Frankie again after two months of trying to get over..." I closed my eyes and slight cocked my head to the side, but I took a deep breath and opened my eyes to see Rebecca nodding. Glad she understands. "It was just hard, but I still have this grudge against Frankie for what she did and since I do, it's not helping my situation."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2018 ⏰

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