Chapter Fourteen

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Frankie's P.O.V.

"I hope this hair color looks good on me," I said to Becca who I was sitting beside at the hair salon. My hair wet with blue hair dye and the hair stylist had a timer going, but said I could sit out with Becca. Saturday came faster then I thought it would and I was absolutely nervous. It was early in the morning though because I wanted to get this done before the big date.

"Don't question it," she said. "I think Mari was right about this color. It'll bring out your eyes and your complexion. Plus, Damien will love it on you."

"Let's only hope," I said. She smiled and looked back at the magazine she was reading. "Say, when were you thinking about getting back out there?"

"What?" Becca asked me. "Do you mean dating?" I nodded my head towards her. "Why?"

"Do you know Phoenix?" I asked her.

"Paul's sister Phoenix?" she asked me. I nodded once again. "Yeah, I basically grew up around her. Paul is my guy best friend, you know?" She knew where I was going with this and that's why she was starting to get a bit of an attitude.

"I met her for the first time Tuesday since Paul wanted me to train her and I honestly think she is really cool," I said to her. She nodded and didn't make any eye contact with me. Why is she so fucking stubborn? "What were your thoughts about Phoenix back then?"

"She's cute I guess, but I didn't really ever have thoughts about her," she replied with a shrug and looked at me. "I was only at her house because of Paul and she was usually in her room playing video games or on the phone with a boy. Or girl. Whatever, you get what I mean. She was just quiet around me. Wasn't really as outgoing as Paul and I were. Why did you bring her up?"

"Well you're single now," I pointed out. She rolled her eyes and looked back down at the magazine. I bit my tongue and held back from losing my cool. "She's single and I know she would love if..."

"I'm gonna pass," she interrupted me to say. I just looked at her and she sighed. She put the magazine down and crossed her arms at me while looking at me with an annoyed look. "Look, I'm not saying she's a bad girl or anything, but I am saying I don't want a relationship right now." I just started chuckling and shaking my head. "What, Frankie?"

"What is your problem, Rebecca?" I asked her. As much as I was trying to hold back, I couldn't. "My god, you wanted to talk about how you've never seen me so happy about a guy before, but I've never seen you happy with a girl because you are too scared to get out there. You pushed Leslie away because you weren't trying to get hurt again and now you don't want to give Phoenix a chance because you don't want a relationship. It's been a year, Rebecca."

"I'm not going to have this conversation with you in here," Rebecca said as she crossed her arms and looked away from me.

"You know wh-" I was cut off by the sound of the timer going off. "Screw this," I said and got up from sitting in front of Becca. I was tired of the shit between us. The tension was getting worse not only because of everything I told her about Shayne, but now this and this was on her.

I followed the hair stylist to the sink, and sat down in the chair and leaned my head back. "I don't want to seem rude or nosy, but is everything okay with you and your friend?" the hair stylist asked me.

"Yeah, I guess," I replied. "It doesn't matter anyway. What matters is how this date goes tonight and I'm not gonna let a petty argument ruin it."

"Oh, a date you say?" she asked me. I chuckled and closed my eyes. I always seemed to close my eyes whenever I was getting my hair washed at a hair salon. The lights always blinded me and I always worried about water getting into my eyes. Since I had hair dye in my hair, that freaked me out more. "Is that why you are getting such an interesting color in your hair?"

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