Chapter 1 (edited)

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Hey guys! This is my first Nalu fanfic. Hope you like it.  Now, let's begin...

Normal POV

"Right, let's get started. Listen up everyone! We've got a new student coming in today. I want you all to make her feel welcome." A man with a big muscular body, broad shoulders, orange hair and a stubby beard uttered as he walked into the classroom.

"Whatever, Guildarts. As long as the new kid doesn't come near me or my Natsu, she can do whatever she wants." Liz had spoken with a stern voice, while winking at her boyfriend. Natsu gave a smirk. Liz had to make sure everyone around her was aware of the fact that Natsu belonged to her and her only. Liz was perfect. Everyone described her as pretty. She had short white hair and fair skin.

"Don't worry, Liz. She ain't coming near us! Ice pixie over here will keep her away from us." A salmon haired boy with a scaled scarf spoke, while pointing at his best friend next to him.

"Yeah, like I.... WAIT, WADDYA CALL ME ASH FOR BRAINS????" A boy with black hair and pale skin bellowed, standing up to get out of his chair.




"Natsu Grey, What is going on here?" A beautiful scarlet headed girl had spoken, with a black aura surrounding her.

"N..Nothing ma'am! We're just bonding, right?" Natsu exclaimed with an arm around Grey.

"Yeah, Ezra. We're just telling each other how much we love each other! It's Natsu's turn." said Grey. Grey gave Natsu a stare, whilst running his fingers through his hair.

"Oh. In that case, tell him how much you love him back." Ezra said. He looked at Natsu (who just gulped) and Grey with anger in his eyes.

"Ohhhh!" said Natsu. He punched Grey's arm really hard, which caused him to fall off his chair. He got up and was about to do something but somebody walked in. Everyone sat down and watched how the new girl walked in. She was beautiful. She had long golden hair, big brown eyes and smooth pale skin.

"So, you're finally here. Care to introduce yourself?" said Guildarts. The whole class watched her, like hawks. Everyone was mesmerised by her beauty.

"Hi. My name is Lucy Heart." said the emotionless girl. All the boys cheered and shouted about sexy and hot she seemed to be but the girls went on to say how pretty she was.

Lucy POV

I ignored what people were saying about me, since I didn't care. Now, first things first. You're all wondering why I said my name is Lucy Heart? Simple. It's because something happened to me 7 years ago. I don't plan on making friends as I probably won't be here long. Even if I did, they'd probably leave me. So what I'm saying is - I only trust me.

"So, any questions?" said the teacher. All the boys put their hands up. This is going to be a long day.

"Natsu, what's your question?" said Guildarts.

"Why'd you start half way through the year? Can't you just start next year?" said Natsu.

Seriously? I already don't like this guy.

"Sorry, that's personal. Guildarts, I don't feel like answering anymore questions. Can I take my seat?." I spoke whilst looking at Natsu and then to Guildarts.

"Um, yeah...sure. Sit where you feel like." he said. He scratched the back of his head as if he was confused. I went walking to the back of the class. A girl with short white hair stood in my way and I looked at her with a blank expression.

"Can I help you?" I said. I would've usually grabbed her arm and slammed her face into the desk, not caring. It was my first day though and I had to stay there for as long as I could. I needed to be able to keep my cool, consequently they'd find me out so soon.

"Yeah. Firstly, you stay away from me and my boyfriend. That's him. Natsu. She pointed at the annoying ass guy that I already don't even like. Secondly, stay away from my friends. You got that?" The girl had guts to point her finger at me, but then again she doesn't know me. If she did, she'd be begging for her life right now.

"Firstly, I don't want your boyfriend. Secondly, I'm not looking for friends. Thirdly, if you point you finger at me again...I'll rip it off and shove it so far down your throat that it'll be sticking out of your ass." I said to her. I didn't blink at all. I don't care what she thinks or the rest of the class. I suddenly noticed they were all looking at me in shock. I walked passed her and went all the way to the back. I was finally on my own. Perfect.

So, let me tell you a few things. Firstly, let me tell you about the emotionless expression I put on. I can't help it. Trust me. I want to be myself again. I want to be happy, carefree, friendly and caring. All the rest. Most of all, I want to feel. I want to feel angry, upset and happy. I want to feel excitement. I've tried everything. I even tried to burn myself, so I could feel pain. I I used to put myself in dangerous situations just so I can feel something. Nothing happens. Now, you're probably wondering why. Well, let's just say...that it's a story for another time.

So, guys that's the first chapter. Tell me what you think of it or if I should carry on. Thnx bye

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