chapter 1

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Erika's POV:

Jake and I have been together for about two months now. Words can't express how happy I am to finally be with him. He would always flirt with me in his vlogs but I never took it seriously cause I always thought it was just a joke. But since the marriage thing... I guess we've both realized our true and real feelings for eachother. I couldn't be happier to call Jake Paul mine. Speaking of Jake... Here he comes right now.

Erika: Hey Jake
Jake: Hey beautiful

He goes in for a kiss and of course I accept. I love when his lips touch mine. It just feels like complete heaven. He grabs my hand and kisses me on the forehead and tells me he'll see me later because he has meetings to go to. He grabs his vlog camera and goes about his day.

I grab my vlog camera and start vlogging and go downstairs and see Megan and go towards her.

Erika: Hey Meg, say hi to the costellars!
Meg: (looks at the camera and waves) hi costellars!
Erika: Meg what are we doing today?!

Jake's POV:

I can't wait to get home! All these meetings are driving me crazy! But hey.. I'm a businessman. I miss Erika too. Since I left Disney, I thought I'd get to spend more time with her. But our schedules never cross which sucks. But today I'm going to surprise her and take her on a beautiful date since we haven't had one in so long. She's gonna love it. I hope! On my way home I go to the flower shop and pick out a boquet of these beautiful red roses to give to her.

Erika's POV:

Me, Tessa, and Meg decided that we'd go to the mall after our workout. Cause I mean... Who doesn't love shopping??! We go into H&M and look around.

Tessa: How's Jerika?
Erika: We're great. How's the Chessa friendship working out for you?
Tessa: It's actually pretty nice not having to worry about Chance cheating honestly. I always felt like that was something I always had to worry about while in a relationship with him.
Erika: That's good, T. What about you Meg? What's up with you Anthony huh?
Meg: There's nothing going on... We're just friends. But I guess I do like him.. But I don't think he feels the same.
Erika: It's okay, Megan. One day he will.

Jake's POV:

I go home to find no one home. I guess both guys and girls went out then. I find a vase and put the flowers in it and leave them on Erika's dresser. I leave her a little note that says to meet me on the rooftop when she gets back. And take the taco bell I brought for our date upstairs and start getting things together that I need.

{this is my first story.. i will try to publish a new chapter ever couple of days.. or if not at least once a week. if you enjoy what you have read so far feel free to add this book and continue reading. i will try my best to make my story very interesting for all of you}

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