chapter 6

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Jake's POV:

Erika and I go to the mall since she wanted to go buy some new clothes. I of course take her. I sit down on a chair while Erika picks out some clothes. She goes into the dressing room and shows me all of the outfits she likes.

Erika: How's this one?
Jake: Looks great babe.
Erika: Are you sure?
Jake: You look great in anything, Erika.
Erika: Thanks Jake. You're literally the sweetest.

She comes up to me and kisses me. Damn she looks so good. I beg for another kiss and she finally gives me another one.. This time I keep going and place my hand on her lower back.. We continue this for about a minute until she pulls away.

Erika: Jake... We're in public! Stop!
Jake: Ughhh. Fine!

I sit back down and play a game on my phone until she finishes. As we leave the mall, I notice someone getting proposed to... I think to myself. "Man... I want to do that for real one day to Erika". I smile at the thought of a real marriage with the love of my life.
We then head home and it's about 5 pm. Chanthany, Martinez Twins, Tessa, Erika, decide to plan on going to the insane asylum at 7 pm so we had a couple of hours. We were in Erika's room. I was laying down on her bed using my phone as she was putting her new clothes that she bought away.

Erika: Well, I'm done putting my clothes away now. (she goes to Jake and lays next to him and watches him use his phone) Well whatcha wanna do?
Jake: How about you? (he said with a smirk on his face)
Erika: Aha, I see what you did there.
Jake: I'm serious.
Erika: Nope.
Jake: Aww man. (he says with a cute sad face towards Erika)

Man, nobody really knows how much I love this girl, honestly. She makes me so happy! Every conversation I have with her just makes me smile. I love this girl with so much passion no matter what... Even if sometimes I don't get my way, just like now, for example. I want the whole world to know that I'm so in love with Erika Costell.

Erika's POV:

It was finally time to go to the insane asylum. Gosh it's so scary going there. We drove up and found a way in. I turn on my vlog camera and point it at Tessa.

Erika: You scared?
Tessa: Yes.
Erika: Don't worry baby T. I got you. Terika for life.
Tessa: (giggles) Love you E.
Erika: Love you too!

I hold on to Jake. He looks at me.

Jake: Are you scared?
Erika: Yes.
Jake: It's gonna be okay.

He kisses the side of my head and I break out a small smile. Jake always makes me feel safe. He holds me close when he notices me being scared. We play with the ouijia board, and gosh am I terrified. We then hear footsteps and I start to look around, and so does everyone else. I notice Emilio holding Tessa close as she gets scared. Hm... Temilio?

Anthony's POV:

I hate that I have to stand here and watch one of my best friends be with the girl I love... It just makes me so angry watching Jake holdimg her close to him. I hate seeing Erika all cuddled up with Jake... I wish I was Jake right now. I wish I was Jake all the time as long as Erika is mine.. My heart honestly really does hurt looking at this. I notice Erika start smiling as Jake kisses the side of her head. She has the most beautiful smile. I can't help but smile too. My thoughts quickly get interrupted by Chance as I can't help noticing that Chance is just staring down at Emilio and Tessa, probably feeling exactly the same watching them close together and Emilio holding her close when she gets scared.. Chance then whispered to me as we were standing..

Chance: Look at them... All close together. God it just makes me wanna break so much shit just watching them.
Anthony: Now you know how I feel.
Chance: It does really suck.
Anthony: (looks over at Jerika and sighs) Yeah...

{Sorry that not much happened in this chapter but I'm going to try to make the next chapter wayyyyyyy better! Thanks for reading!! Love you guys❤️❤️}

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