chapter 27

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Jake's POV:

I just feel guilty for leaving Erika that one day.. I didn't expect anything from Alissa that was too crazy. I would never expect for her to do something like that.. But I guess I got to be careful. I looked at Erika and she slightly smiled at me.

Erika: I'm not gonna care anymore.
Jake: What?
Erika: Alissa
Jake: Ohh
Erika: I'm not letting her phase me.
Jake: Okay...

Tessa's POV:

Emilio and I haven't really talked about what to do.. And I just feel like it's time we should.. We're just laying down on my bed as I'm editing my vlog.

Tessa: Emilio..
Emilio: Yeah? (looks at Tessa)
Tessa: What are we going to do?
Emilio: About the baby?
Tessa: Yeah.. No one knows, except for Erika.
Emilio: Oh.. Do you wanna keep it?
Tessa: I don't know.. We're still young, both of us.
Emilio: I wanna keep it.
Tessa: Really?
Emilio: Of course, Tessa. I'm in love with you, and I want you to be my girlfriend, so will you?
Tessa: (smiles at Emilio) Yes. (kisses him quickly on the lips) Now, really Emilio. We need to talk about this.
Emilio: I already said I wanna keep the baby.
Tessa: It's a lot of work, time, responsibility and money though.
Emilio: So you don't wanna keep it?
Tessa: Ugh, it's complicated.
Emilio: Tessa
Tessa: I don't know.. I was honestly thinking of just not keeping it...
Emilio: (gets up from the bed and looks at Tessa) Oh wow.. (leaves Tessa's room and kind of slams the door on his way out)
Tessa: (watches Emilio and calls out for him as he leaves)

Ugh. I don't know what to do.. Now he's mad at me and we haven't even been actually together for even a day yet. This is all fucked up, this is gonna keep messing me up..

Erika's POV:

Jake hasn't left my side since that day Alissa trespassed. I look at him and tell him I'm hungry and beg to go out to eat. He finally agrees and we head out to taco bell. We took Jake's car, rainbro and headed to taco bell. I was kinda happy cause I haven't been out a lot lately. We parked the car and walked in and Jake ordered us our food as I found us a seat. When he came over, with our food I noticed that Alissa was here as well. Jake sat down and I told him.

Erika: Jake
Jake: Yeah?
Erika: Alissa's here...
Jake: What?
Erika: Look. (she said as she pointed with her eyes)
Jake: (looks at her eyes and looks at the direction they were pointing at and see's Alissa and then looks back at Erika) Don't worry, it's fine. I'm right here in case anything happens.

I ate my food and just acted like I hadn't seen her. I kept telling myself to not let her phase me so I ignored her existence as I ate and enjoyed my little lunch date with my sweet and amazing boyfriend. When we finished we cleaned up our things and started to walk out. As we walked out, Alissa had called out my name. Paparazzi was all over Jake and I, and Alissa. They kept asking us what was up with Alissa and I. I just ignored them and continued to walks towards our car. Alissa then starts to catch up to Jake and I and that's when I felt Jake's embrace, holding me close. All I could hear were the snaps of all the pictures being captured of all three of us. Alissa then pushes me towards the wall of a building and of course Jake is there to catch me. I look at her and take a look at the paparazzi and all they're doing is just capturing pictures of what's happening. I decide to be the bigger and better person and just get up and Jake and I finally reach the car and get in. I quickly hop into my seat and Jake does so too. He turns on the car and all of a sudden, Alissa throws a rock through the window of the passengers side where I'm at. It nearly hits my head but I moved quick enough to miss it. At this point Jake gets mad because of his car and window. Paparazzi still outside our car and I tell Jake not to do anything but he can't hold his anger back. He turns off the car.

Jake: (gets out the car) WHAT THE FUCK ALISSA?!?
Alissa: Babe, I'm sorry.
Jake: (keeps getting asked by paparazzi if Alissa and him are back together) This is not fucking okay Alissa. Stop it!
Alissa: (looks at Jake) I love you, Jake.
Jake: (looks at Alissa) And no, we're not fucking back together. She's crazy. (gets back in his car, starts the car and drives off)

{I'm thinking of ending this story soon! I'm kinda running out of ideas so sorry!!! ): But I love you guys so much! Don't forget to check out my other story, "Only"! And follow me on instagram! @lomfljerika❤️}

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