chapter 9

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Chance's POV:

I've been noticing how Tessa and Emilio been getting closer. I'm just over here sitting, using my phone as I try to sneakily creep on them. They're laughing and smiling together. What could possibly be so funny. Then I notice how close together they are... Tessa is all over him. She's hugging him and messing around with him. she's nonstop smiling. I haven't seen here like that since we were together.... She should be endlessly smiling and laughing with me, not Emilio. Oh.. right, but she's not mine anymore... But I still want her to be. I know I keep fucking up but I still love her. I look down onto my phone and act like everything is normal and okay and then I creep one last time. I see her laying her head on his shoulder as he lays his head on top of her. They both are looking at Emilio's phone looking at something and smiling. She gets her head up and hugs him and kisses his cheek. "You're the best" Tessa says to Emilio. That's fucking it.. I'm getting Tessa back and I'm going to talk to Emilio and tell him to back the fuck off.

Anthony's POV:

Jake walks in with something in his hand.. He starts to show Chance and I just watch as Chance smiles widely and tells him "she's gonna love it". I walk over to see what they were looking at cause I was just curious. He shows me the ring.... "Jerika Forever ~ 6/18/17" as soon as I read as he shows us the engraving inside the ring. It literally made my heart drop. I wish it wasn't forever, I know I shouldn't wish that... But I love Erika, and I just want to see her with me only.

Jake: I'm gonna ask Erika to marry me... For real this time. You think she's gonna like it?

Those words just hurt me. It felt like a knife was just stabbed right into my heart. Jake is asking Erika to marry him?! What?! This just makes me want Erika even more. I know I should probably get over her but I just can't.

Anthony: (fake smiles) Haha, yeah.. She's gonna love it, bro.

Jake smiles looking at the ring and then quickly puts it in his pocket as he hears the front door opening. All of a sudden my eyes are only seeing beauty. I watch and smile at the fact that Erika's here.

Erika: Hey babe.
Jake: (kisses her) Hey, beautiful.

I just watch them be happy and together and it hurts my heart even more. I decide to stop torturing myself and go on into the office and sit down to think.

Megan: (walks over to Tony, smiling) Hey Tony.
Anthony: Hi Meg. (he says as he tries to fake a smile)
Megan: (notices Tony's fake smile) What's wrong?
Anthony: I don't know if you even understand...
Megan: Well okay... But even if I don't understand, I'll try my best to do so. So c'mon, talk to me.
Anthony: I don't want to talk!! (he says kind of annoyed)
Megan: (looks at him and gets upset and looks down) Fine, whatever. I'm still always here if you need me. Not like you do though. (quickly gets up and gets back to her seat and starts working)

Chance's POV:

I was in my room playing video games by myself to calm my nerves down. I noticed someone walk in and looked over to see who it was... Emilio... My head quickly got heated and I couldn't control myself. I paused my game and quickly got up and looked at him.

Chance: What are you doing?
Emilio: Editing my video.
Chance: That's not what I meant.
Emilio: (confused) Then what do you mean?
Chance: With Tessa!
Emilio: (looks at him and says nothing)
Chance: You guys have been getting close lately. You guys are always hugging and touching eachother. All you do is hang out together as much as possible! It's all smiles.
Emilio: What's wrong with being happy?
Chance: Do you like Tessa?!
Emilio: Why? She's not your girlfriend man.
Chance: I still love her though and it's not fair.
Emilio: Si, pero... {Yes, but} You messed it up.

When he said that, I didn't know what to do. I couldn't control myself anymore... I grabbed his laptop and threw it on the floor and quickly grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him closer to me. "STOP!"

{Like if you enjoyed the chapter! More to come soon! Thanks for reading, love you guys!}

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