chapter 32

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Jake's POV:

Tessa was home and she was kind of depressed, honestly. I was trying to figure out what happened but all she told me is that she slipped on something slippery at the top of the stairs. And when we came back, Erika's room was also destroyed. Everything was all ruined, ripped, and broken. I spoke to Chance and he told me that there was some blond walking out the front door but he had just assumed it was Megan and didn't think anything of it. I then knew that it was Alissa... Messing with MY family. Its just wrong! I called up the police and showed them the camera footage of Alissa breaking into our house. They said that they'd look into it and see what they can do and try to contact her. After they left, I went to Erika's room and spoke to her about the concert..

Jake: The fans will want us to perform Jerika..
Erika: Yeah.. Well, I don't wanna do it. We're not together so..
Jake: Oh.. okay. Well are you and Tessa doing powerful emotions?
Erika: Uhmm.. I don't know.. She said she'll do it because she wants to make the fans happy. Plus she didn't tell fans about her pregnancy at all so she doesn't want them to be suspicious about her being depressed or upset or something.
Jake: Oh okay.. Are you doing your song?
Erika: Yeah, I want to.
Jake: Okay. I hope you do good.. Well I know you'll do great.. You're Erika Costell, you always exceed the limit in everything you do. You're more than great. (smiles at Erika)
Erika: (looks at him and smiles a bit) Thanks Jake! (goes to Jake and hugs him quickly)
Jake: (looks at her) I miss you.
Erika: You always say that.. I'm still here.
Jake: Yeah I know, because I do. And I mean I miss you as you being mine.
Erika: I know.. But its just complicated and you know why..
Jake: Yeah.. (gets up and walks out of her room, walks to Nick) It's a maybe for powerful emotions, and a yes for there for you.. And.. put down a maybe for Jerika.. I think I might have something in mind to win her heart back..

I smiled at my thoughts and then heard my phone ringing, so I answered it. It was the police officer.

PO: I'm sorry, Mr. Paul, it seems we can't find Alissa.
Jake: Well... Keep looking! What she did is wrong and fucked up!
PO: I know sir.
Jake: How about you come to the concert, I guarantee you, she'll be there. She always tries to ruin everything good I have or do in life..
PO: I'll see you there then..

{I'm almost done with this story, I'm ending it in a few more chapters or so! I promise you guys will love how it ends.. Hopefully! Love you guys!❤️}

Instagram: @lomfljerika

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