chapter 29

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Jake's POV:

I woke up and slowly started my day.. I already could tell I was going to have a bad day. I could tell that the rest of my life was going to be filled with bad days now that I don't have Erika.. As soon as I finished showering and changing, I slowly walk down the stairs and walk to the kitchen quickly grabbing an energy drink from the fridge and headed towards the front door as I opened up my energy drink. I had spotted Erika coming out of her room as I put my hand on the door knob. I looked at her and she gazed back at me. She tried smiling at me but I just kept a straight face and left the house without saying a word to her. I got in my car and took my phone out to text Alissa.

Jake: Alissa, can you meet me at starbucks in like 15 mins?
Alissa: Sure, Jakey❤️

I rolled my eyes at the reply and started up my car and backed out of the driveway, heading to starbucks.

I got to starbucks and immediately spotted Alissa and sat down across from her.

Jake: Alissa.. You ruined my fucking relationship.
Alissa: I just want you
Jake: Well, why can't you understand that I have moved on?
Alissa: I still love you. Why can't you love me?

I got up and looked down at her and kinda raised my voice.

Alissa: You'll seriously regret saying that.
Jake: I won't because I don't care. I just want to be with Erika! I don't care about you anymore, Alissa. Move the fuck on.

I took a last glance at her and stormed out of starbucks.

What am I gonna do? How am I gonna get Erika back?

Tessa's POV:

Emilio and I decided to keep the baby.. I think it's actually cute how Emilio wants to step up and be a father. Especially at the fact that it was an unplanned pregnancy. We finally decided to tell Team 10. I looked at him, as we were at the door frame of my bedroom.

Tessa: What do you think they're gonna say?
Emilio: I don't know. Hopefully they support us.
Tessa: And what if they don't?
Emilio: (pulls her into a hug and kisses the top of her head) We always have eachother.

I smiled at him. He's so perfect to me. He treats me way better than Chance ever did. I kissed his lips quickly and went ahead to go tell Team 10. I texted the group chat for everyone to come meet downstairs.

Instagram: @lomfljerika

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