chapter 33

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Jake's POV:

I was in my room, sitting against my bed frame.. Thinking of my next move with Erika. I really love this girl, and I do want her to be mine forever.. I looked over at the bag with all the Jerika stuff that I had thrown all together from the last time we broke up and got up and walked towards it. I opened the bag up and started looking through it, slightly smiling at each and every little thing I saw. I then started to look around for the ring I was planning to give to Erika.. I looked all over my room, and finally spotted it in a corner under all my other merch and picked it up. I began to look at the box and I finally opened it and laid my eyes upon the ring. I thought to myself and then put the ring on my nightstand. I love her, and I want her to know that I'll be here forever.. I have this whole image inside of my head of what I have planned.

Erika's POV:

I went up to Tessa's room to go and talk to her. I came in and laid beside her on her bed, hugging her from the side.

Erika: How you doing, T?

She looked at me and sighed.

Tessa: I've been holding up. It's been better.
Erika: Thats good. You up to perform tomorrow?
Tessa: Yeah, we can do it. I want to make our fans happy. They make me happy!

She looked at me and slightly smiled. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tight.

Erika: I'm glad you're feeling better. I don't like seeing you upset.
Tessa: Thanks, Erika. But.. How about you?
Erika: What do you mean how about me?
Tessa: Without Jake.. I kinda seen you guys cuddling up at the hospital..
Erika: Oh.. We're just friends..
Tessa: And how do you feel about that?
Erika: Honestly Tessa.. I miss him like crazy, I miss his embrace.. but yeah... I just don't know anymore...

*The next day at the concert*

I was performing there for you, "Jerika Jerika, Oh yeah" I looked at the crowd and then made a slight glance to the side where Jake was at, and saw the he just looked down. I finished the song and now it was basically just the boys' turn.

Jake's POV:

We finished performing all the songs. This was my chance, my moment. I looked at the crowd and told the guys to play Jerika. I sang the first line. "Use to call you mom but now I call you wifey" I looked over at Erika and she looked back at me. I smiled at her and then told the guys to lower the volume on the song so I could speak. I looked at the fans and reached into my pocket, keeping my hand there for a moment.

Jake: As you guys know.. Erika and I are broken up, but I can't do this anymore. I want her, I need her, I love her. I want her to be my wife. For real. (looks over at Erika) Erika, could you please come out here on stage with me?
Erika: (looks at Jake and awkwardly and slowly walks to him)
Jake: (reaches out of his pocket and holds the box and kneels on one knee and holds the box with one hand and holds the mic with the other) Erika Costell, I love you so much, and I can't live without you. These past few weeks have been hell without you. I need you in my life forever. I know you don't want to be together because of... something.. But please, will you please just take my hand in marriage, make me the happiest and luckiest guy to ever be alive, and marry me? (opens the box up, showing her the ring, putting the mic down and holding her hand)
Erika: Jake... (looks down at him)
Jake: Please, Erika.

"Nooooo!" I turn my face to see... Alissa. I pick up my mic and call for security and the cops immediately come towards her and arrest her, putting her in handcuffs. I then look back at Erika as the crowd continues to cheer.

Jake: Please, Erika. She's gone.

She looked at me, and stayed silent for a moment.

Erika: Yes, Jake! I'll marry you.

I immediately got up, and put the ring on her finger and kissed her, whispering to her.

Jake: I've missed you. I love you so much, Rik.
Erika: I've missed you too! You mean the world to me. (looks at the ring and smiles) I love the ring so much!

I looked at her and smiled, pulling her close and kissing her for just minutes as the crowd continues to cheer for Jerika.

Instagram: @lomfljerika

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