chapter 15

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Jake's POV:

Walking around in the house is awkward with Erika around. I still love her but I can't stand to see her sometimes. Sometimes I look at her and just keep replaying that moment I walked in on her and Anthony. I don't know what it meant, or if it meant anything but I don't care. A kiss is a kiss. And I will not forget that. Every single day for the past few weeks, I've just pretty much been ignoring Erika lately. It's hard to but I feel like it's necessary for me.

Erika: Jake... Can we talk please?
Jake: (keeps walking, acting like he doesn't hear her)
Erika: Jake! (runs after Jake and grabs his arm and turns him around, facing her)
Jake: There's nothing we need to talk about. I don't want to talk. Haven't you noticed? I don't wanna talk at all!
Erika: Yes but I want to talk.
Jake: Well here's some talking for you... Get all of your things out of my bedroom or I'll put it out myself.
Erika: Jake... No. Why?
Jake: Erika, do it! I'm serious. Now stop bothering me! Please!
Erika: Fine (sighs) I'll go in a bit when you head out.

Tessa's POV:

Emilio and I haven't really talked since that night happened.. I don't know why... But I really think we should talk about what happened so I walk up to him and ask him to talk.

Tessa: Hey Emilio.. Can we talk?
Emilio: Of course

We head up to my room and I close the door.

Tessa: So about what happened that night a couple weeks ago... What did that mean?
Emilio: It meant that I love you, Tessa.
Tessa: (smiling at Emilio) I don't really know what to say about that... I don't want to say I love you too because I know I don't.. But I'm sure maybe one day... If all of this continues, I could.
Emilio: (grabs Tessa's hand) I want you.
Tessa: (smiles up at Emilio)

Erika's POV:

After that short conversation with Jake.. I just felt the need to cry. I missed him. I missed someone's embrace. I miss someone telling me I'm beautiful every single day and telling me I don't need to change ever. I miss the moments we had. I miss someone always being there when all I wanted to do was cry. I needed that right now. I craved for that type of attention right now.. I sat in the edge of my bed and just dug my head into my hands and started to cry. I couldn't take it anymore.. I needed to let it all out. Then all of a sudden, I feel a strong arm around my shoulder, holding me close to them. I picked up my head to see who it was... Anthony.. I really didn't want to see him, but at the same time, an embrace was all I wanted. And if that just so happened to be Tony, then so be it. I continued to cry and Tony was just gently rubbing my back, telling me it's okay.

Anthony: Erika, listen... I'm sorry about kissing you. I know I messed things up. I lost one of my best friends and you lost your boyfriend.
Erika: (looks up at him) It's not okay, Tony. It's not. I really do hate you for that.
Anthony: I understand. But I just wanted to tell you how sorry I was.

I looked at him up and down. Could he really actually feel bad? He was still holding me close as I wiped my tears. It kinda felt nice to be held again. I gazed into his eyes and he really did seem sorry... The next thing I know... We were both leaning into eachother... We were kissing. I don't know why I did it.. But I did. It felt nice to feel someone's touch when you really needed someone.. We stayed there for a couple of seconds just kissing until...

{OMG GUYS PLS DONT HATE ME FOR THIS CHAPTER IM SO SORRYYY!!! But I love you guys!!! I hope you enjoyed!! Keep liking and commenting, I love when you guys show some love for the book!!}

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