chapter 18

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Jake's POV:

I look up to find... Alissa... I quickly get up and look at her.

Jake: Hey.. I haven't seen you since yeah well you know.
Alissa: (awkwardly smiles at Jake) Yeah..
Jake: Well uh, how you been?
Alissa: Its been good I guess. Hey...
Jake: Yeah?
Alissa: I heard you and Erika been dating or are together or something...
Jake: Oh yeah, we were. We just recently broke up today actually.
Alissa: Oh. Cool.
Jake: Yeah. Hey wanna go sit down and talk? It's been awhile.
Alissa: Sure I guess.

We headed to a spot and sat down. It's weird and awkward. We hadn't seen eachother since we broke up. It's been like 9 months maybe. We both had moved on but it was nice talking to her.

Alissa: So hows life treating ya?
Jake: Shitty.
Alissa: Well I hope it gets better.
Jake: Thanks. How's life treating you?
Alissa: Its been great until about a couple of hours ago.
Jake: Why do you say that?
Alissa: I found Ricky kissing another girl at our house.. He thought I wasn't going to be home for awhile. I wasn't gonna be home for hours, but I went back home to pick up something that i had forgotten and found them on our bed kissing, making out, and nearly about to fuck.
Jake: Oh, well. I get it. So you guys are broken up?
Alissa: Yeah, right now we are. But he's been calling and texting, apologizing. But I'm not going to forgive him. It's just wrong. He did me wrong, and I'm not going to stand for it.
Jake: Good for you.

We talked for hours.. Like nothing had happened between Alissa and I. It was great having amazing conversations with someone again. I missed it with Erika. I miss someone to smile, laugh, and joke with. Alissa and I did just that as we talked the whole time. We eventually left, we got up and exchanged numbers again.

Jake: (opens the door for Alissa) Alright, so maybe we can hang again sometime.
Alissa: (walks out, as Jake walks out after her) Sure, if you want. Just text me.
Jake: (faces Alissa) I will. I'll just see when.
Alissa: Alright
Jake: (goes in for a hug) It was great seeing you again, Alissa.
Alissa: (hugs him back) It was great talking to you again, Jake.

Paparazzi and fans all of a sudden started snapping pictures of Alissa and I, hugging. Paparazzi kept asking us if we're back together. We just ignored the paparazzi, and went about our day and and left. Her back to her home. And I, back to the team 10 house.

Erika's POV:

I realized I hadn't spoken to Megan since the day she walked in on Anthony and I. I decide to go make things right and apologize. I know it was wrong because that's the guy one of my best friends loves. I get up and go find Meg and spot her at her desk. It was just her in the room so it was a great place to talk.

Erika: Meg, I just want to apologize for kissing Anthony.
Megan: (sighs) It was really wrong Erika. (she says as she continues to look at her laptop)
Erika: I know, and I'm sorry. Please don't be mad. It was the biggest mistake of my life. You know I only love and want Jake.
Megan: (looks up at Erika) I'm not mad anymore. I'm still upset about it. But Anthony and I spoke last night, and it was great. So I'm not mad.
Erika: Thank you so much! I love you!! (goes to her and hugs her and smiles)
Megan: (hugs her back and laughs a bit) It's all good, Erika. Honestly I think it just brought me and Anthony closer together. Thank you for that.

I was so glad to hear that we were good because I don't want to have any drama. I decide to go to Tessa's room because she's the only person I can really talk to about how I really feel. And I needed that right now.

I go up to her room and open the door and close it back as soon as I enter. I see her just sitting on her bed, on her laptop just editing her vlog. I head to the bed and lay next to her.

Erika: Hey T.
Tessa: Hey, hows everything with you and Jake going?
Erika: Not so well. I hate it
Tessa: (hugs Erika as much as possible with her laptop still on her lap) Its gonna be okay.
Erika: Thanks Tessa. And Tessa.. I found something in Jake's room today...
Tessa: (looks away from her laptop and looks at her) Oh my gosh, what did you find?
Erika: I found an engagement ring... And I'm pretty sure it was supposed to be for me.
Tessa: Oh my gosh!!!!! He was gonna propose to you!! How cute!!
Erika: Yeah, I know. The thought of a real marriage with Jake makes happy. But it's sucks to see it go away since we're not together.
Tessa: (continues to look at Erika then starts working on her computer again) Maybe one day, it'll be useful to him again. Maybe one day you'll get back together and get married. You may never know, but you can only hope.
Erika: (looks at Tessa and smiles at her) Thanks T, I really needed that.
Tessa: Anytime.
Erika: So how are you and Emilio?
Tessa: It's getting somewhere.
Erika: Well, I'm glad you finally got someone who I know will treat you right.
Tessa: Thanks, E. (she smiles at Erika)

Tessa and I just sit on her bed for awhile and talk. I pick my phone and my phone is blowing up with notifications I'm tagged or meantioned in on twitter, and instagram. I unlock my phone and open up my notifications. I look down and at that moment, my heart just breaks even more....

{DOUBLE UPDATE TODAY!! JUST CAUSE I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!! I hope you guys enjoyed! And I'm sorry if you don't like Alissa. Don't hate me for bringing her into the story!! I still love you all!!❤️}

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