chapter 12

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Anthony's POV:

I don't know if I can keep my feelings in any longer... I want to tell her but I just don't know what'll go down.. I just hear Chance telling me in my head "Don't tell her" repeatedly... He's right.. Maybe I shouldn't tell her. I don't know what to do.

Jake: Hey bro, Chance & I are gonna run to the store real quick. You wanna come?
Anthony: Huh.. Oh, uh. Nah, I think I'm gonna stay here, I got some editing to do.
Jake: Alright bro, we'll be back soon.

"Bro" I hate the fact that he's so close to me. If he wasn't, I wouldn't care much about telling Erika how I feel... But that's like my brother, my best friend.. We grew up together. But at the same time, I think my feelings for Erika are just as important and I feel the need to tell her just to see if I do ever had a chance. Just as I stood there thinking, Erika walked by and I immediately just thought to myself that I have to tell her..

Anthony: Hey Erika..
Erika: What's up Tony (walks by Anthony and goes to her room)
Anthony: (walks behind her to her room and closes the door behind him) Oh nothing, just wanted to talk.
Erika: Yeah sure we can talk. (does stuff around her room)
Anthony: Erika... I think you should know...
Erika: (turns around and looks at Anthony all confused and a little upset) Oh my gosh, is Jake cheating on me??! (she starts to freak out a little bit and gets really upset)
Anthony: No, no... Not that. Trust me, he's not cheating on you.
Erika: (sighs in relief) Oh thank goodness... I was worried for a moment. But you think I should know what, Tony?
Anthony: (looks down at the floor and sighs) I think you should know that...
Erika: (looks at Tony) That what, Tony?
Anthony: That... That I love you Erika.. And I always have, since the moment I first laid my eyes on you...
Erika: (looks at Tony) .... Tony
Anthony: (gets closer to Erika) Erika, I love you.
Erika: (looks Tony up and down) Why are you telling me this? I'm happy with Jake... You know, your best friend who is probably gonna kill you if he finds out..
Anthony: I just wanted to see what you'd say. I wanted to get it off my chest, because I don't know.. I just thought that there was still some hope for getting you..
Erika: (walks some place else trying to avoid Anthony) Yeah.. Well, the only person I have ever had feelings for in this house was Jake.
Anthony: (keeps following Erika around) I thought we had something though..
Erika: Tony stop getting close to me please... And no, I always thought about Jake over everyone else. I'm really sorry I don't feel the same. (sits on her bed)
Anthony: (looks at Erika and just stares for a moment at her)
Erika: Anthony... I'm sure you'll find someone who loves you for you.. But I'm sorry, that's just not gonna be me. I'm madly in love with Jake.
Anthony: (sits down beside Erika on the bed and grabs Erika's hand) No... But Erika, I want you.
Erika: Well I'm sorry but I'm happy with Jake. I only want him! (she stares at their hands and gets up and lets go of his grip)
Anthony: (gets up with her) I'm in love with you, Erika. Why can't you see that?
Erika: Well I don't know what you want me to say about that cause I have no words or actions to do or say to you at the moment about that. Just move on Tony. It's better for everyone. Plus I KNOW you'll find someone else.
Anthony: But I don't want anyone else.. I want you.

Erika's POV:

There's no amount of words in the Universe to describe how confused I am about Anthony's feelings towards me. I can't believe this. Megan loves Tony.. Tony loves me.. Why can't it just be Megan and Tony. I'm in love with Jake. I only want Jake. I have never loved anyone so much. He's telling me he love's me.. And that he has since the moment he saw me. That's how I felt... With Jake. I relate to him a little bit, except the person I love, loves me back. I do feel bad for him, but he's better off with someone else.. Like Megan. She's head over heels over this guy. I just wish he'd stop with me and begin to pursue her. I honestly think they're meant for eachother.

Anthony: But I don't want anyone else.. I want you.
Erika: I'm sorry Tony, please go before someone finds you in here..
Anthony: (looks down) Fine but... One more thing...
Erika: Yeah?...

He catches me by surprise.. I couldn't believe him right now. He had his hands cupped around my face and kissed me... I tried to pull away but he was too strong. I would push him away and he would pull me in closer. I hated it... I hated him right now.. He kept kissing me for a couple of seconds until he hears the door open....

{OOOOOO!! HOWD YOU GUYS LIKE THE CHAPTER??! Like if you enjoyed! Comment if you'd like, I love seeing comments! And that's it, until the next chapter.. Peace! Love you guys!}

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