chapter 28

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Jake's POV:

Erika and I were laying down in bed. It was about 7 A.M. She was still sleeping, she looked so peaceful and beautiful. I kiss her on the check and get off the bed and head downstairs to grab some breakfast.

Erika's POV:

I woke up at the touch of Jake's lips on my cheek. I then noticed that he left the room. I sat up and started thinking about everything.. I know I told myself that I wasn't going to let Alissa phase me.. But it honestly has. I don't know what to do. I just feel like what's best for me is to break up with Jake... I got up from his bed and went to Tessa's room. Tessa was there sleeping peacefully. I walk in and watch her sleep for a moment. She then opens her eyes and notices me. I then blurted our to her.

Erika: I'm breaking up with Jake.

She jolted up from her bed and looks at me with confusion.

Erika: I just can't with all this drama anymore, T. I just think it's best for us. I'm going to break up with him later today..
Tessa: Are you sure you want to do this?

I went up to her and laid beside her and curled up into her arms. She laid her head against mine and held me close.

Erika: It's what's best.

We just laid there for a moment and stayed silent.

Jake's POV:

I walked in and went straight up to my room. I started to change into some shorts. I then hear Erika walking in and closing the door. I smile at her and walk up to kiss her. She kind of backs away from the kiss and I look at her full of confusion.

Jake: Did I do something?
Erika: No... I've just been thinking...
Jake: Thinking about what?
Erika: (blurts it out quickly) I think we should break up.
Jake: Wait, what? Why?
Erika: This is too much Jake.. Alissa is still in love with you. And it just makes me stressed. It'll be easier if we just don't be together any longer. (starts walking towards the door)
Jake: Wait.. But Erika.. I'm so in love with you.
Erika: (looks at Jake and then looks down at the floor, upset and grabs the door knob) I'm sorry. (walks out the door and closes it as she walks out)

I had so much anger built inside of me. Alissa fucking ruined my relationship. Why the fuck would I let her back into my life?!? I hate her so much. I looked at the lamp and grabbed it. I just felt the need to throw something. I grabbed it with so much force and threw it so hard at the door. I yelled.. "AHHH! WHAT THE FUCK?!" I couldn't control myself. The broken lightbulb stood there. Scratches on my door with all the broken pieces on the floor right by it. I start to pull on my hair out of anger and sit down on my bed. "Why?" I whisper to myself and hide my face into my hands and slowly start to sob.


Instagram: @lomfljerika

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