chapter 7

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Erika's POV:

"J-Jake" I moan as I arch my back as he thrusts in really deep inside me.. I dig my nails into his back, scratching him as I try to keep quiet because it's only 8 AM. He slowly starts to finish up and drops on the bed breathing heavily, next to me. "That was great!" He says to me. I kiss him on his cheek. "When is it not". I smile at him and he smiles back. He gets up and throws the used condom away and heads for the bathroom for a shower.

Anthony's POV:

Lately, I've been doing a lot of thinking.. I just want to tell Erika how I feel. I've been holding it in for so long, I feel like I should tell her because I don't know.. I just don't wanna move on knowing I didn't try with Erika. I just contemplate my thoughts on what I should do as I walk down to get breakfast... As I walk out of my bedroom, all I hear is Erika moaning Jake's name... At this point, I'm just full of complete jealousy. I just listen for a moment and go down the stairs and grab a sledgehammer and make a whole in the wall out of anger.

Megan: Woah, woah, woah. Tony... Stop! What are you doing? (she says as she runs to Tony)

Megan slowly starts to calm me down as I put down the sledgehammer.

Anthony: Nothing important. (he says softly as he looks at Megan for a quick moment then looks away)
Megan: Well if you ever wanna talk about anything... I'm here. (she said with a small smile)

Megan just doesn't get what's it's like to be in love with someone who doesn't want you... She's never going to understand.

Erika's POV:

As soon as I finished showering, I headed downstairs to go make me some breakfast. As I walk through the hallway I meet up with Tessa.

Erika: Hey T
Tessa: Damn Erika, bet you had a great morning huh. (she said smiling at first then it slowly turned into a smirk)
Erika: (chuckled a bit) Mmmm. Yup. Guessing we weren't as quiet as we thought.
Tessa: Well I mean his bed is against the wall and his room is right next to mine so...
Erika: Haha you're right. But actually, what's up with you and Emilio?
Tessa: (looks a bit confused) What you mean? We're just friends.
Erika: Are you sure? You guys seem pretty close lately.
Tessa: Yeah, I mean. Honestly he's really sweet, and cute, and funny... And he just makes me happy and smile all the time. He's super fun to be around and he's just...
Erika: Perfect for you?
Tessa: Well... Yeah... But, I don't like him....
Erika: Tessa, its okay if you like him... Honestly go for it if you do! Chance broke up with you and then went out like the next day and went clubbing and we both know he fucked a girl cause he didn't come back till the next morning. Chance is honestly not good for you. He's always been like that, he probably is never gonna change.
Tessa: You're right.. But I don't know. What if Chance gets mad?
Erika: It's your life. Chance doesn't get to choose who you can or can't date. He fucked up, not you. You can date whoever you want. It doesn't matter if he's on Team 10. Cause again, it's on Chance.. He let you go.
Tessa: (thinks for a moment and smiles and hugs Erika) Thanks, E! I love you so much!
Erika: (Hugs Tessa back) No problem. I love you too, baby T.

Jake's POV:

Erika went to the gym with Tessa and Megan and I came across Lauren... Soooo, I went up to her with a smile.

Jake: Hey Lauren
Lauren: Hi
Jake: Okay so I wanna ask a favor....

{Hmmmmmm......??! Thanks for reading! Like if you enjoyed! Peace,
love you guys! I promise I'm gonna work hard on making this story great, I already have a few other ideas! I can't wait for you guys to continue to read and enjoy my story!}

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