chapter 30

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Tessa's POV:

Tessa: Okay, squad. Emilio and I have something very important to tell you guys. (looks over at Emilio and smiles)
Emilio: Yup... Tessa and I are together... Andddddd she's also.... (looks over at Tessa)
Tessa&Emilio: Pregnant!!!

Everyone was excited and happy for us. Everyone congratulated us... Except Chance. The smile he had on, faded. He looked at me with pure sadness in his eyes. I looked at him and slightly smiled but he looked away and went upstairs to his bedroom.

Jake's POV:

After Temilio had shared their news.. I went over to Erika's room and walked in. She was in there with Lauren.

Jake: Lauren.. May I please have a moment alone with Erika?
Lauren: Yeah. (walks out of the room and closes the door on her way out)
Jake: (walks over to Erika) I miss you.
Erika: (tries not to look at Jake)
Jake: I love you. Please get back together with me.
Erika: No.. Alissa is still bothering me. She keeps texting me and everything. I'm so done.
Jake: (grabs Erika's hand)
Erika: (pulls away her hand) We're just friends, Jake. Stop...

Erika's POV:

"We're just friends, Jake." As much as it hurts saying those words to my actual love of my life... I just feel it's best. I led Jake out the room and he looked back at me, then looked away and continued on his way. I later walk out of my room and decide to go Tessa's. I let myself in and lay down beside her and she looks at me.

Tessa: How ya holding up?
Erika: Not so well. I'm still so in love with him, but I can't take all the other things that comes along with it.
Tessa: Its okay, Rik.. I'm always here, as long as you need me to be.
Erika: I'll need you forever.
Tessa: Then forever it will be.

I smile up at her and hug her tight.

Erika: I love you.
Tessa: I love you too!

Instagram: @lomfljerika

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