chapter 26

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Erika's POV:

As soon as I walked into my room.. My jaw dropped. I was so angry! ALL of my things were ruined!! My clothes were all on the floor, my bed was a mess, my perfume and lotion was all over the floor and were broken.. My TV screen was really cracked. I went to my bathroom and I look at the mirror and read "Watch out bitch!" on it.

Erika: Alissa was here.
Tessa: What?
Erika: Alissa was here, Tessa.
Tessa: How do you know that?
Erika: Who else would've done this? We're the only ones in the house, T! And we were both upstairs in your room for a few hours. She had the time to do this.. She found a way in, I don't know how but she did.
Tessa: Well she's gone now so it's okay. We'll call Jake and tell him and ask if we should call the police. (takes out her phone)

"You wouldn't wanna do that" Tessa and I both heard. We turned around and saw Alissa in the corner smiling at us.

Alissa: Hi Tessa
Tessa: Why'd you do this Alissa?
Alissa: I told her I was gonna ruin her life didn't I?
Erika: Why are you doing this to me? It's not my fault I ended up with Jake! Things just happen, how do you not understand that!

I looked her up and down and saw that she had a few pictures of Jake and I in one hand and in the other she had a lighter. She smiled at me and I just watched her as she did so.

Erika: What are you going to do Alissa?
Alissa: (looks at the pictures) These are some cute pictures you and Jake got.. (starts flipping through the pictures)
Tessa: Alissa.. Just leave, we don't want to cause any problems.
Alissa: Oh.. I'm not the one causing problems here though.. (looks at Erika)
Erika: I'm sorry Alissa! What else do you want from me?
Alissa: I want you to let me have Jake.
Erika: He's my boyfriend now Alissa.
Alissa: (looks down at the lighter and puts the pictures down and picks one up) Say goodbye to your beloved pictures with Jake.
Erika: Alissa no! (runs up to her trying to get the pictures)
Alissa: (elbows her nose)
Tessa: Oh my gosh, Erika! (runs to Erika)
Erika: (holds her nose as it starts to bleed and looks at Alissa)
Alissa: (turns on the lighter and puts the picture in front of Erika's face and burns it)
Erika: (avoids looking at the burning picture and looks away)
Alissa: (grabs another picture and smiles looking at it) Hmm..
Erika: Nooo!! (continues to hold her nose)

Alissa was getting me so angry!! She wouldn't stop! It's just Tessa and I over here with Alissa.. She's evil, and I never really though she could be like this. I just want Jake. As soon as I thought that, Jake comes barging in through the front door and calls out for me. I tell him I'm in my room and as soon as he comes in he notices Alissa. He looks at me and sees me holding my nose and comes towards me and takes me to the sink in the bathroom to help me wash out the blood coming down from my nose. He leaves me there to finish off and goes to Alissa.

Jake: What are you doing with those photos?!
Alissa: Nothing, Jake! (smiles at Jake and acts all innocent, trying to hide the lighter and walking closer to him)
Jake: (gets the pictures from Alissa and looks down on the floor noticing the burned picture) Alissa get out!
Alissa: Why?
Jake: NOW!
Alissa: (tries to kiss Jake's cheek)
Jake: (moves away from Alissa)
Alissa: Okay babe. (walks out of the room)
Jake: (looks over at Tessa) Tessa, go lock the front door please and the back door.
Tessa: Okay.
Jake: Thanks. (puts the pictures down on the dresser and walks over to Erika and hugs her)
I'm sorry! I shouldn't have left you. I didn't think she would do something this crazy.
Erika: (nuzzles into his chest and starts to cry a little bit) I really hate this and her!
Jake: (kisses the top of her head) I know. I'm sorry. I love you and it's gonna be okay. (starts to stroke her hair and kisses the top of her head once again)

{Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!! Love you guys!!❤️ don't forget to follow my instagram account @lomfljerika 😊}

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