chapter 24

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Tessa's POV:

Emilio: You okay, Tessa?
Tessa: No...

I had decided that I should tell him... After all, it is his child and he deserves the right to know and to get a say on what we should do..

Emilio: What's wrong?
Tessa: There's just a situation that I don't know how to deal with..
Emilio: I'm always here for you, Tess.

It was good to hear him say that. I know telling him will be a good idea because there's no other man in the world that I've rather have around for this type of thing..

Tessa: Actually... Can we talk please?
Emilio: Yeah, what would you like to talk about?
Tessa: I don't know how to tell you this so I'm just going to blurt it out...
Emilio: Uh.. Ok.
Tessa: (looks away from Emilio) I'm pregnant and I'm pretty sure it's your baby. (slowly starts to look at Emilio)
Emilio: (looks at Tessa) What?
Tessa: I don't know what to do Emilio... I don't even know if I want to keep it.
Emilio: (pulls Tessa in for a hug) Everything's going to be okay.. (kisses her forehead)
Tessa: You're such a great person Emilio.
Emilio: (smiles at Tessa) I love you, and we're in this together.
Tessa: (looks into Emilio's eyes) .... I love you too (kisses Emilio passionately)

Erika's POV:

I don't know how to take this Alissa situation.. It's just crazy, she's crazy. Jake and I are just cuddled up on his bed. I always love the feeling of his embrace, hold and warmth. It always makes me feel safe and good. This time, it made me feel way safer than ever before just because of all the things Alissa had said to me. Jake and I haven't talked about what happened, when the Alissa had left we just stood there, looking at each other as he held me close into a hug. We spoke no words of that night. But I wanted to, so I spoke up.

Erika: Jake (looks up at the cieling)
Jake: Yeah? (faces Erika)
Erika: I'm honestly... (pauses and looks over at Jake) afraid.
Jake: Afraid of what?
Erika: Alissa... And what might happen to us.
Jake: (holds Erika closer) Nothings going to happen to us. Nothing will break us apart, I promise.
Erika: (smiles at Jake and kisses him on the lips quickly) Thanks, Jake. But... What about Alissa?
Jake: Don't worry about her, I'm sure she didn't mean it, babe.

At that moment... My ringer came on.. It was my phone. Jake looked at me, and I looked back. I looked at my phone and noticed how I had gotten an unknown message from someone. I pick up my phone and get out of Jakes embrace and sit up against the bed frame. I open up my phone and read the message.

Unknown: There's nothing more in this world that I wanna do than ruin your life. You ruined mine and I want you to feel the same. Watch your back, front, left, right, up and down. Watch out! Cause I'm gonna break you down into a million pieces and I won't feel guilty about any damage I cause in your life or somewhere else. You're such a snake bitch, Erika Costell and I will make sure everyone knows it!

I read the message and immediately get confused. Jake looks up at me and then sits up against the bed frame next to me. I look at him and hand him the phone for him to read. He reads it and looks at me and wraps his arm around my shoulder.

Erika: You think it's Alissa?
Jake: Probably.
Erika: Jake, I just feel like I'm in danger.
Jake: As long as you're with me, you're always safe.
Erika: You really don't know how much I love you right now.
Jake: (smiles at Erika and kisses her)

We get up from the bed and we just stand there by the bed hugging. "I love you" he whispered to me.


He then started to kiss my neck and I moved my head to the right side to give him more access to it. I took my right hand and placed it on the back of his head and start running my hands through his hair on the back of head. He then picked his head up and looked at me and started kissing me passionately. I wrap my arms around his neck as we continue. He quickly takes off his shirt and begins to kiss my neck again. He slides his hands under my shirt as he continues to kiss all over my neck. He rubs his hands all over my body, from my stomach, to back, to my hips. He finally starts to slide his hands up and stops kissing my neck to slowly take my shirt off. He throws my shirt on the floor and starts to kiss down my chest down to my stomach. Once he reaches my hips, he starts to slide off my shorts. I help him and he stands back up and kisses me, I kiss back and we both slide our tongues into our kiss. Our tongues just wrestle inside our mouths for a couple minutes or so. As we continue our make out, Jake slides his hand behind me, reaching to unhook my bra. He finally does so and starts to kiss my breasts. With his left hand  he starts caressing my left breast and massaging it. He does the same thing with his right hand and my right breast. He kisses on my breasts and sucks on my nipples for a minute. He starts to then suck on some skin on my breasts, leaving a hickey on each one. I look down at him and bite my lip softly as he leaves a hickey on me. From my breast, he starts to kiss down my stomach once again, reaching the band to my thong. He takes both of his hands and takes my thong off for me. He then takes his shorts off and reaches over to his night stand to grab a condom. He unwraps it and pulls his boxers down and puts the condom on his dick. He looks up at me and smirks and grabs my thighs and pulls me up to him, wrapping my legs around his torso. He pushes me against the wall and grabs his dick and starts to put it inside me. I roll my head back and bite my lip at the feeling of it entering me. He slowly begins to thrust in and out of me and all you could probably hear around the house we're my moans. "J-Jake..." I bite my lip and moan as I say his name. He begins to thrust harder inside of me and each time, I just got louder, and louder. He started to grab and squeeze on my ass and kiss and suck on my neck as he continued to thrust inside me hard. All I could feel was the pounding of our bodies together and the wall behind my back. It felt so amazing. I started to scratch on his back as he thrusted. Leaving red scars and scratches. He starts to slow down and finally reaches his climax and groans softly as he feels a great relief releasing it. "I love you, you're always safe with me" He said right after and kissed me so passionately.


{Gave y'all a little Jerika😏  Hope you guys really enjoyed this chapter. Like and comment some ideas for this story and maybe I'll use some cause I'm kinda having writers block right now. So yeah, I love you guys! Thanks so much for reading my story❤️}

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