chapter 22

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Erika's POV:

I woke up, next to a Jake and there's no amount of words in the world that can express how I feel about Jerika getting back together. I'm so happy. There's nothing that can ruin this. I turn to Jake and he's just sitting there, smiling at me. Yesterday was such a great day.. And last night was just amazing... If you get what I mean.. Make up sex is just the absolute best.

We both get up and head downstairs and everyone starts smirking at us.

Chance: (looks at Jake) Damn bro, sounds like you had tons of fun last night..
Erika: (laughs and starts blushing out of embarrassment)
Jake: Guess you could say that
Tessa: May I remind you that your room is right next to mine, and it's very distracting hearing my best friend getting you know.. (starts laughing softly)
Erika: TESSA!! (starts laughing nervously)

Yeahhh.. That's how you know we had a great time last night.

After all of that, I went to Tessa's room.. She had texted me saying that she's going to take a pregnancy test and wants me to be there with her. She takes about 5 pregnancy tests just to be sure and we start to wait.. After awhile.. We look down at the tests.. They're all positive.

Erika: Tess...
Tessa: Yeah..
Erika: What are you gonna do?
Tessa: I honestly don't know..

Anthony's POV:

Meg and I are on the couch sitting down.. I couldn't wait to ask her to be my girlfriend so I just did it at that moment. She looked so perfect just sitting there...

Anthony: (grabs Megan's hand) Megan, the last few weeks of my life have been filled with so many laughs and smiles and that just makes me a much healthier person overall.. The reason for those laughs and smiles are you.. I need you, I want you. In order to survive. (he smiles at her) Megan, please be my girlfriend? Let's make it official.
Megan: (blushes really hard while Tony says all those things) Of course! I've been like a year for you to ask me that question.

I was so happy at the thought of Megan and I being in a healthy relationship. I begin to lean in towards her and kiss her, she kisses back. I can finally call her all mine. I begin to lay her down on the couch as we kiss.. She pulls away.. "Not here" she says. I pout a bit but agree to go upstairs. We get up and as we head upstairs I hear the doorbell ring... I sigh at the fact that someone is here while I'm trying to do other things with my girlfriend. Megan just stands at the steps and makes a quick laugh. I head to the door and open it... Alissa was standing right in front of me.

Alissa: Anthony! Where's Jake?
Anthony: With Erika.
Alissa: Where?
Anthony: In her room.

She quickly walks into the house and heads for Erika's room. I quickly grab her by her wrist.

Anthony: Alissa! What the hell are you doing? Leave them alone.
Alissa: I can't... I gotta do this.
Anthony: Do what?

She just stared at me and pulled her hand away from me and next thing I know.. She's already half way through the door.

Jake's POV:

Erika and I are in her room just cuddling and making out. And god does it feel amazing to have her back.

Erika: Jake..
Jake: What's up?
Erika: I wanna talk to you about something...
Jake: Anything
Erika: I saw an engagement ring upstairs in your room.. (she says as she slowly starts to look at Jake)
Jake: Ohh.. yeah that.. Just forget you ever saw that thing.
Erika: I can't though
Jake: I didn't want you to see that and it's kinda ruined now that you seen it
Erika: I do want to get married to you..
Jake: What are you saying?
Erika: I love you and I want to marry you for real and be your wife for real...
Jake: (looks at Erika and smiles but is quickly interrupted by someone barging in through the door)

I quickly turn my head to the door.. "Jake... I'm still in love with you!" I hear Alissa say as she walks in through the door.

{I KNOW YOU GUYS PROBABLY DONT CARE ABOUT ANY OTHER SHIPS OTHER THAN JERIKA... BUT WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK I SHOULD DO WITH TEMILIO AND MEGTHONY??! I want your guys' opinion!! Remember to like and comment if you enjoyed!! Love you guys so much!❤️}

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