chapter 3

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Jake's POV:

Everything came out perfect for my special girl. Just as I just finish setting everything up.. I look to find myself gazing at the most beautiful girl in the world. I walk up to her and hand her this plastic rose I had got to give to her for this date.

Jake: This is for you, babe. I'll love you til this rose dies.
Erika: (she smiles) Its plastic...
Jake: I know. That means it'll never die. Just like my love for you.
Erika: Ahhh, I see what you did there. That's so sweet, Jake.

She gives me the biggest hug as I kiss the top of her head. I then lead her to the picnic.

Erika's POV:

I love how Jake just knows me so well. He has candles and he literally got my order from taco bell completely right. He's just the best ever! I love him so much, I really do.

Jake: Were you surprised?
Erika: Yes!!! And I loved it so much! It's one of the best surprises ever!
Jake: I'm glad you love it, babe.

He kisses my forehead and I smile at him. Gosh he's just so perfect. He treats me and knows me the best. I look at him as he eats and I just continue to smile. He's so cute. I got so lucky with him. I start to eat my food and we then continue our date.

Anthony's POV:

I really feel like I should just talk to someone about how I feel and what I should do because at this point, it's hard for me to think about and deal with this.

Tony: Hey man.... Can we talk about something real quick?
Chance: Sure... What do you wanna talk about?
Tony: Well... I kinda have loved this girl since the first time I seen her... And I don't know what to do because she has a boyfriend who she really loves. But I still want her anyway...
Chance: (has a surprised facial expression) Well... I think you should maybe tell her how you feel just to get it off your chest.. But if she doesn't feel anything towards you or just rejects you completely... Back off and let her be happy.
Tony: Thanks... I'll tell her later then and back off if she doesn't want me.
Chance: Good for you, bro.. Hey.. May I ask who this girl you love is?
Tony: Well.... Look Chance, promise you won't tell anyone about this. Like I'm serious.
Chance: My lips are sealed bro.
Tony: Its Erika......
Chance: (gets up and looks at Tony and goes straight towards him) No bro... Forget everything I said. Don't tell her!! Don't do anything! Just forget about her and move on. You can't do this.
Tony: (looks at Chance a little bit upset) What? Why?
Chance: Anthony, are you stupid or what? That's Jake's girl. You'll ruin your friendship with him if he finds out and you try and tell her... Don't do it! We all live in the same house. We can't have chaos here! Just don't tell her or say anything. Just forget her and move on!
Tony: (pushes Chance) I love her though!! I want her and I will tell her how she feels. Maybe she'll feel the same.
Chance: Tony what the fuck?! Don't push me and don't tell her! She's madly in love with Jake. She's not gonna feel the same. Don't ruin things for them. They're happy... Jake's finally happy after all the Alissa bullshit. Let him be happy with someone he truly loves. Don't ruin your friendship with him. It's the Ohio Trio... Dont forget that. Forget your feelings for Erika.. You'll find someone way better for you.
Tony: (looks at Chance) Whatever bro...
Chance: I'm serious Anthony! Don't tell her or do anything.
Tony: FINE!
Chance: Alright bro... Why don't you come with me to the club? It'll clear your head and get your mind off her.. And maybe you'll meet a girl who you really like.
Tony: Alright... I guess

I walk towards the door with Chance, still kind of angry with him because he told me to tell her how I feel. But now... He's telling me not to. Which makes me want to even more. I want to tell Erika... I want to give it a try and see if I will ever have a chance with the girl I've loved since I laid eyes on her! But hey.. Let's just have some fun tonight then.

{if you like the story, add it to your library and continue on reading because i promise you it'll get better}

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