chapter 23

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Jake's POV:

Alissa: Jake... I'm still in love with you!

I looked at her, she was smiling at me and then I turn back towards Erika and nervously smile at her.. I stood up and looked at her.

Jake: You what?
Alissa: I still love you.
Jake: Alissa why now?
Alissa: Because I missed you. That day we ran into eachother and talked for hours at taco bell... I just felt all my feelings come back.. I love you!
Jake: I love Erika
Alissa: But you loved me first.. So why can't I be your last?
Jake: Yeah, I did love you first.. But now I'm in love with Erika.

I look at Erika and go to her and grab her hand, wrapping my arm around her shoulder.

Jake: Jalissa is long gone. What's new and forever is Jerika.
Alissa: (looks at Erika) I hate you, Erika!
Erika: (looks at Alissa) I didn't do anything, Alissa.
Alissa: I was in love with, Jake. You knew. And you knew how hard it was for me to get over him. If I rememeber well, I believe you were the one that said he's bad for me and that I should move on. You probably just fucking said that so you can have him. You probably have loved him all along.
Erika: That's not true, things just happened. I never meant for it to happen.
Alissa: Sure. You could've had any other boy in the house but you choose the one I was in love with. You're such a bitch! (She gets close to Erika and pushes her onto her bed)
Jake: Alissa, what the fuck! Stop it! (steps in front of Alissa and stops her from hurting Erika)
Alissa: (looks at Erika and has an evil smirk and then looks at Jake and grabs his face and kisses him)
Jake: (pushes Alissa off him and pulls away from the kiss)
Erika: (looks at Alissa) You're such a bitch, why are you kissing my boyfriend!? (gets up and pushes Alissa down to the ground and holds Alissa down onto the floor and crawls on top of her)
Alissa: That's how much it hurt when I found out that you and Jake were together. (tries to pick up her arm as much as possible and looks up at Erika and slaps her)
Erika: (holds the cheek that Alissa slapped her on)
Jake: (quickly tries to get Erika off of Alissa and holds her back) Alissa, just go!
Alissa: (gets up) Erika, I will ruin your life! I swear I will! I love Jake, and he loved me first. We're meant to be. Not you and him. I will make your life a living hell. Just give him up already or you'll have hell back to back coming at you.
Jake: Alissa! Get the fuck out!
Erika: (stares at Alissa)
Alissa: (has an evil smirk as she walks out)

I quickly turn to Erika and look at her up and down making sure she's okay. I pull her into a hug and kiss the top of her head.

Jake: Everything's going to be okay, babe.
Erika: (hugs Jake and starts to cry softly into his chest)
Jake: (holds her closer to him and holds the back of her head, stroking her hair)

Tessa's POV:

I'm in the kitchen, sitting down eating my salad, some chicken, chips, 2 chocolate chip cookies and an orange juice.. I've been eating a lot lately since I found out I was pregnant... I still don't know what to do. I don't know if I should keep it, or give it up.

Emilio: Damn Tessa..
Tessa: (eats some chicken) What?
Emilio: That's a lot of food.
Tessa: (chuckles nervously) Yeah.. I know.
Emilio: You sure you're gonna eat all of that by yourself?

Trust me, it's not just for me. I thought to myself.

Tessa: Uh, haha. Yeah I am.
Emilio: Well okay, if you say so.

He sat down next to me, and all we did was talk and laugh. These types of conversations were the best. I feel like I could talk to Emilio about anything... Maybe I should tell him, maybe he'll know what to do. Or I could just sit there and listen to what he has to say. Maybe he wants to keep the baby and raise it.. I don't know what to do right now, it's just too much to handle! It's so fucking stressful!!! I sigh really loud and roll my eyes at the thought of all of this. Emilio looks at me in confusion.

Emilio: You okay, Tessa?
Tessa: No...

{Okay guys... I need your help.. Do you think Tessa should keep or give up the baby? Please Comment!! Like and comment if you enjoyed!! I love you guys so much!❤️}

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