chapter 4

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Jake's POV:

After the date, I cleaned up and threw away the trash and put everything back where I found it. Then headed back to the bedroom with Erika. And we're just standing by the door.

Jake: Babe, sleep here tonight with me.
Erika: I don't know. I don't like leaving Lauren by herself in the room.
Jake: (grabs Erika's hand) Pleaseeeeee


I start to kiss her neck softly and pull her closer. I give her a peck on her lips. "Please. I miss you sleeping with me every night." I tell her. She looks at me and smiles and starts to kiss me. I place my left hand on her hip and my right hand on her lower back close to her ass. I slowly start to lower my right as we continue to kiss. I then take my right hand and close the door behind us and pick her up and take her to the bed and lay her down in the middle of the bed. I get on top of her and kiss her neck softly multiple times as slide my right hand under her shirt and she wraps her arms around my neck. I peck her lips once and quickly take my shirt off and continue to kiss her passionately. She touches my body as we kiss and begins to lower her hand towards the button of my pants and we pull away from our kiss and i quickly pull her shirt off and unbutton her pants and quickly take her pants off then I take mine off. I bite my lip softly while looking at her at the thought of having her all to myself in just a few moments. I unstrapped her bra and started kissing from her neck down to her lower stomach and stop and take her panties off. I slide my boxers off and kiss her neck softly and quickly pull the covers over us. I start to kiss her passionately and reach for my nightstand and open the drawer and take a condom out and quickly unwrap it and put it on. I then slowly begin to slide it in and begin thrusting back and forth starting slowly and grabbing her hands and holding them down as I hear her soft moans and get turned on even more by the second with the sound of it. As time goes by I thrust a bit faster and harder and suck on her neck a bit leaving her a small hickey. I continue my thrusts and then kiss her passionately. Man I love this girl.


Tessa's POV:

I was in my room just editing my vlog and my phone starts blowing up with all of these tags and comments on instagram. I open up my phone to the app and find myself looking at photos and videos of Chance with other girls already.... Dancing on him... Wow. It just hurts so bad.. I loved him so much. I know he can do what he wants but I really thought he would have waited at least a month for him to start going out again.. No, he waited a couple days instead. At this point, I am truly heartbroken and just need someone to comfort me but Anthony isn't here... Nick isn't that much good at things like this... And Erika... Well let's just say I can hear her from my room. I mean my room is right next to Jake's. So all I'm hearing right now is my best friend moaning and the bed hitting up against the wall... So I see Erika's busy... So I go to find the twins.. Ivan is asleep and Emilio is up on his phone... I walk up to him and I sit down next to him and pay my head on his shoulder.

Emilio: (looks at Tessa) What's wrong?
Tessa: Why doesn't he love me anymore?

It was silent for a moment then Emilio spoke up again..

Emilio: No se... Pero [I don't know... But] He's missing out. You're perfect.
Tessa: (looks up at him and smiles) Thanks.

We stayed up talking for about an hour having deep conversations until I had fallen asleep on his shoulder. I felt him lay his head on top of mine for a moment. We just stayed there for awhile until I decided to go back to my room and sleep. Emilio is literally the sweetest person ever.. I'm glad he was here to comfort me today.

Erika's POV:

Jake and I lay down together and cuddle together as we just finish... "Guess I'm staying here tonight just like you wanted me to" I chuckle a bit and say. "Great" He kisses my lips quickly and he holds me close and he starts to fall asleep. He's literally the cutest.. I love him so much.

{If you enjoy give it a like and add my story if you haven't already. This story will just keep getting better.}

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