chapter 5

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Erika's POV:

I woke up the next morning feeling great. Last night was amazing.. I looked over to find Jake already gone. He's probably already up so I get up and put my shorts on and a large Jerika shirt on and head downstairs and see Jake vlogging.

Jake: Erikaaaaaa (he looks at Erika and points the vlog camera at her)
Erika: (she kisses him on the lips quickly) good morning Jake (she look at the vlog camera) and good morning Jake Paulers!!
Jake: You look cute today with your Jerika merch on. (looks at his vlog camera) Merch link in bio
Erika: Haha always plug.
Jake: That's my girl. My girl knows the game (smiles at Erika)
Erika: (kisses his cheek) Yup

Tessa's POV:

As I walk downstairs, I notice Chance just got back. I look at him and he smiles at me and I fake a smile and continue walking down...

Chance: Hey Tessa...

I stop in the middle of the stairs and look down for a moment.. I didn't say a word.. It was silent..

Chance: Can we talk?

I stood there thinking..

Tessa: Why? You just had some "food"... Why are you worried about me?

He was silent.. He didn't know what to say I was guessing. So I just continued walking down.. Once I reached the last step... He stopped me once again. He ran down the stairs and got in front of me. I looked down the whole time.

Chance: Please. Talk to me.
Tessa: (sighs) Fine...

We both go up to my room and talk...

Chance: I know you've probably seen what happened last night..
Tessa: Yup
Chance: Okay... Well it didn't mean anything.
Tessa: Okay
Chance: Tessa please
Tessa: Chance... Honestly, I've really had enough of you and the multiple girls you're always with. I don't care anymore. Go be with them cause I loved you. I thought you were my soulmate... But you just continue to make me jealous or break my heart. You continue to make me look dumb or stupid. It hadn't even been a fucking week since we broke up and you go out and go get some "food"... So just get out please.
Chance: Tessa...
Tessa: Chance! Please!

He walks out and I sit down on the edge of my bed... I begin to look down at the floor and just start getting upset and begin to cry..

Emilio: Tessa! Wanna come with ... (he walks into her room and notices her crying and walks over to her and sits down next to her and hugs her) Que pasa? {what's up} What's wrong?
Tessa: I'm just upset about Chance..

He looks at me and I look back at him... He smiles at me and he wipes my tears.

Emilio: It's going to be okay Tessa.

He hugs me and we just sit there for minutes... Talking... And all he's been doing is making me smile.

Chance's POV:

I walk across towards Jake's room to get some merch and I see Emilio and Tessa in her room. I look inside and see them close together.. Hugging and smiling and laughing together. "What the fuck is up with that?" I think to myself.. I immediately feel some jealousy running through my body and I run back to my room and pick up this baseball bat I had and start destroying things...

Anthony: HEY HEY HEY! CHANCE! What are you doing? STOP!

He comes after me and takes the bat away from me and throws it across the room and holds me down to stop me from destroying more things.

Anthony: What's wrong?
Chance: I saw Emilio hugging Tessa and I guess the jealousy just got to me.
Anthony: You gotta stop.. She's not yours anymore. You broke up with her.
Chance: (sighs) I know...
Anthony: Just stop man.. Let it go.

{Sorry for the late update, I was busy these past few days! But I hope you enjoyed!}

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