chapter 25

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Jake's POV:

I woke up, not worrying about anything. I had my girl wrapped around my arms in bed and it was just so peaceful. She was asleep and she looked so cute! I kissed her forehead and then she started to slowly wake up, so I smiled at her and she smiled back.

Jake: Hey beautiful.
Erika: Hi Jake.
Jake: (leans in to kiss her and reaches her lips)

All of a sudden my door and I look over to find Chance, Anthony and Tessa. Chance and Anthony have water guns in their hands and start to spray me while Tessa holds her own vlog camera in one hand and Chanthony's vlog camera with her other. I got up from the bed, making sure Erika was covered, because below those sheets she was naked.

Jake: Prank Wars!!!!

I grabbed my merch gun and put some Jerika merch inside and started to aim for Chanthony.

Chance: Jake, Jake (mocks Erika as he heard her the night before with her moans)
Tessa: Guys stop
Jake: Chance!!!! (aims the merch gun at Chance and shoots it at him but misses because Chance moves over)
Chance: (aims the water gun at Jake and starts spraying) Jake.. Ohhh (mocks Erika again and starts to laugh)
Anthony: We noticed that you got some last night (aims the water gun at Jake)
Tessa: Didn't we all notice...
Erika: T!!
Tessa: (giggles) Sorry E... I mean you guys were kinda loud last night.
Jake: (reloads the merch gun and shoots it at Anthony and gets his stomach) Hah!!
Anthony: (sprays the water gun at Jake)
Jake: I don't like you guys right now!! (jumps back in the bed and gets under the covers, holding Erika close, pulling the sheets over them as they spray water)
Chance: Okay we're done.
Anthony: Jerika exposed!
Jake: (pulls the covers off him) Guys! Seriously! Don't put it in any of your vlogs please!
Chance: It's going in anyway
Erika: Tessa don't please
Tessa: (walks over to Erika and hugs her) I won't then
Erika: (hugs her back) Thanks baby T!

Erika's POV:

Jake isn't home right now since he's at work in a meeting. He told me to stay in the house til he got back just to be safe. I walked up to Tessa's room and sat down beside her on her bed.

Erika: Hey T
Tessa: Hey Erika
Erika: So have you decided on what you're gonna do?
Tessa: Not yet... But I did tell him.
Erika: And what happened?
Tessa: He just said that we're in this together basically.
Erika: Aww that's really sweet.
Tessa: Yeah.
Erika: This kinda makes me want to have a baby like now. I feel like Jake would be a great father.
Tessa: He's great with kids.
Erika: I know, he's so cute!! I like lowkey have baby fever now (laughs a bit)
Tessa: (smiles at Erika) How sweet. Have you guys talked about kids?
Erika: Not really, he mentions having kids in his vlogs but I'm sure he's not being serious.
Tessa: Well if you really do want kids maybe you should talk to him about it.
Erika: Yeah I do, but I just don't think it's a good time right now.
Tessa: Why do you say that?
Erika: Cause Alissa has gone all crazy and is trying to take me down and trying to ruin my relationship with Jake.
Tessa: What the fuck.... When did this happen?
Erika: Like a week ago or so.
Tessa: Why does she wanna ruin your relationship? Isn't she over Jake? And doesn't she have like a boyfriend or something?
Erika: No, she's not over Jake.. She said she's still in love with him.. I guess cause of all that time they spent together while Jake and I were broken up she started to get those feelings for him again.
Tessa: Oh.. Well I'm sure she won't do like hella bad shit. She probably doesn't even have the capability or mind set of doing things beyond evil.
Erika: I don't know T.. I'm just scared, to be honest.
Tessa: (hugs Erika) Don't worry
Erika: Thanks T. Love you!

After we had talked, we decided to go downstairs to go make something to eat. Tessa and I go to room first to go grab my vlog camera because we wanted to do something together for our vlogs. We walk in and what we see just leaves us with our mouths wide open...

{So... Maybe another update tonight... Idk, but I made my instagram account.. Feel free to follow me if you'd like @lomfljerika 😊 I just posted up my new Jerika edit on there if you'd guys like to go check that out! Love you guys!❤️}

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