chapter 31

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Chance's POV:

I'm not gonna lie... I was upset at the fact that Emilio and Tessa were together... And that she was pregnant. It made me want to ruin everything for them. It just got me thinking about how it use to be when Chessa was real. I got up from my bed and find the house quiet. Hm.. There's not many here I guess.. I left my bedroom and see the front door just close, a woman with blonde hair it seemed like. It was probably just Megan. I walk back into my room and start getting ready for a shower when I just hair a whole bunch of commotion coming from the hall just outside. I run out to see what it was and find Tessa lying on the bottom of the stairs... Bleeding. I quickly run down the stairs and realize that someone had somehow made the stairs slippery. I reach Tessa and she was slightly crying. I grabbed my phone and called 911.

Jake's POV:

I was in a meeting when Nick had called me, so I excused myself and answered his phone call.

Nick: Jake!
Jake: Yeah?
Nick: Good news... And bad news...
Jake: Okay... Speak up.
Nick: Good news... Team 10 has a concert performing all songs you guys want to perform.
Jake: That's great!! Okay.. But what's the bad news?
Nick: Tessa's in the hospital.
Jake: Oh my gosh. What happened? Is she okay?
Nick: She fell down the stairs.. Something happened, I don't really know the details.
Jake: Okay.. I'm on my way there.
Nick: Okay! We're all here already.

I quickly excused myself from the meeting once again, telling them that I had to go because it was an emergency. They let me leave the meeting early and I hopped in my car and quickly headed to the hospital.

Erika's POV:

All team 10 members were here at the hospital. Jake, walked in with a worried look on his face. He went straight to me and sat down beside me and looks at me.

Jake: Is Tessa okay?
Erika: I don't know.
Jake: Well what happened?
Erika: She said she slipped on something at the top of the stairs.
Jake: That's weird. Well is the baby going to be okay?

I look at him, then notice Emilio walking out of Tessa's hospital room. He walked out here with sad eyes saying nothing but.. "We lost the baby". He looked down at the floor then went back into Tessa's room and sat beside her. I was shocked and dug my face into my hands. I felt Jake's hand on my back, and sort of holding me close. His embrace honestly felt great.

Instagram: @lomfljerika

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