chapter 14

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Tessa's POV:

I thought about the night I had with Emilio.. It was great but I was unsure of what it meant.. I wanted to talk about it but I didn't know how.

Chance: (walks by Tessa) Hey Tessa
Tessa: Hi.
Chance: Can we talk?...
Tessa: (looks up at Chance) Fine...

Erika's POV:

Jake left yesterday because of what he saw.. I felt terrible. He hasn't come back and it's been two days and I don't know where he's at. I miss him like crazy.. I walk to the kitchen and notice Anthony and just ignore him. I keep quiet and stay to myself and just make my breakfast as I can feel his eyes gazing right at me. I try to make my breakfast quickly so that I can get out of this room. I finish eating and start walking back to my room and I notice the front door opening....

Erika: JAKE! (smiles widely)
Jake: Hey... (walks right past her and looks straight at Anthony)
Erika: (watches as Jake walks by her)

Jake's POV:

I can't stand to look at Anthony right now. Why does he have to be here the second I walk back into this house. Erika tries to talk to me but I completely ignore her, walking past her because all I can really notice is Anthony standing there all innocently.

Jake: (gets close to Anthony) Why'd you kiss her?
Erika: (moves closer to the boys)
Anthony: Because I love her
Jake: (pushes Anthony) Don't say that. You knew she was my girlfriend, why would you do that?
Erika: (grabs Jake's arm) Jake stop, don't push him.
Jake: (moves his hand away from Erika) Don't tell me what to do, Erika. Because frankly, I couldn't careless about you right now. Over here just letting this kissing bullshit happen. Bet you enjoyed it anyways. (grabs Anthony by the shirt with his right hand and pulls him close)
Anthony: Woah, woah, woah. Bro stop!
Jake: We're not brothers anymore, Tony. (punches Anthony's jaw with his left hand)
Erika: (tries to grab Jake) Jake stop doing this!
Jake: (grabs Anthony's shirt tighter and throws him down to the floor) You're lucky I'm letting you stay here. Just stay out of my fucking way. (looks at Erika) I said it was over. Go kiss whoever the fuck you want now. (looks straight into her eyes and says it very seriously)
Erika: (looks down and starts to cry) But Jake, I love you.
Jake: Damn (walks away, into his room)

Chance's POV:

I miss Tessa, and I realize that I still love her and can't let her go. I just hope she feels the same way when I talk to her.

Chance: Can we talk?...
Tessa: (looks up at Chance) Fine...

We walk into my room and I shut the door

Chance: (looks at Tessa and grabs her hand) Tess...
Tessa: (let's go of Chance's hand) Yes?
Chance: Look, I'm really sorry. I still love you, and I realize that now. I want another chance with you.
Tessa: (sighs) Chance I can't
Chance: Why not?
Tessa: I still love you and all but I can't have a relationship like this
Chance: A relationship like what?
Tessa: A relationship where I can't trust you because all you do is sleep around with girls.
Chance: It's not going to be like that, you can trust me.
Tessa: No I fucking can't, Chance. You cheated on me. Rememeber that? Remember when you told me to just keep it between us and to just tell everyone that our break up was a decision that was better for the both of us? You didn't want any bad publicity on you so I saved your ass. And sometimes I wish I had just told the fans the real truth so they could know the real you. You know the real reason we broke up.. Because you couldn't keep your fucking dick in your pants. You cheated on me, Chance. You went out and just fucked other girls literally right after we broke up like our relationship meant nothing to you. I can't trust you.
Chance: (looks into Tessa's eyes and kisses her)
Tessa: (kisses back for a few seconds, enjoying the kiss then pulls away and pushes Chance away from her) No! Stop! I don't wanna do this! It's really over, Chance. There's nothing that can change my mind. (looks at Chance and walks out of the room)

{I WANTED TO SURPRISE AND GIVE YOU GUYS ANOTHER CHAPTER TODAY SO YOURE WELCOME!! I'm writing chapters right now so you'll get more soon! Love you guys! I love all the comments and likes. ❤️}

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