chapter 13

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Jake's POV:

I come home from the store with Chance and decide to go find my beautiful beloved girlfriend. I bought her some beautiful roses that I thought she'd really like. I go to her room to try and find her and open the door.... I open the door to find Anthony and Erika kissing... I just stood there for a moment.. I didn't know what to do, I felt so hurt. My best friend and my soulmate... I look at Erika...

Erika: Jake...
Anthony: Bro
Jake: (stats silent and just looks at them)

I look at the roses. I look back at Erika and immediately feel upset. I throw the bouquet of roses on the floor out of anger and pulled up my hood from my sweater... I look at them one last time and quickly go up to my room.

Erika: (pushes Anthony away from her and chases after Jake) Jake stop!

I stayed quiet and continued on to my room. I couldn't stand to look at her right now. I walk into my room and slam the door behind me, slamming the door right in front of Erika's face. I was so angry! I was so upset! I wanted to cry, but I also wanted to just beat the shit out of Anthony. Out of anger, I started destroying everything in my room. I threw stuff, knocked things over, punched the wall. I looked down at my knuckles full of blood and tried to calm down. I then saw the box... The box with the ring inside. I picked it up, I opened it up. I looked straight at it for a minute or two. "Fuck this" I had said to myself. I closed it up and threw the box at the wall and quickly grabbed my keys to the tesla and was on my way out. I walked out of my room and Erika was waiting for me by the stairs.

Erika: (tries to grab on to Jake as he walks down the stairs) Jake.. Jake, please stop!
Jake: (he takes her hands off of himself and stops and looks at her) Erika...
Erika: Yeah?
Jake: It's over. We're done. (he looks down and sighs and continues to walk)
Erika: Jake, stop! Don't say that! I love you! Jake...

It hurt my heart saying those words but I just couldn't be with someone who kisses my best friend.. And I'm most certainly cutting off Anthony! I thought he was my best friend.. We were brothers. We grew up together. How could he do this to me. I go to the garage and get in the tesla and find my way out and leave the house finding a spot to park to clear my head. I sat in the car just rewinding every last bit of emotion I felt and everything I just saw. I start to hit the steering wheel. "FUCK!" I yelled out of anger and sadness. I was hurt, real hurt. She's the love of my life. And I saw her kissing another man... Who just so happened to be my best friend.. I just thought about everything, I looked down and just cried, resting my head onto the steering wheel as I did so. I didn't know what to do.

Erika's POV:

I stood here, just watching Jake leave. He just broke up with me and just cried as he left. I felt so much anger towards Anthony. Anthony looks at me.. I can't stand him right now!

Erika: (gets close to Anthony and pushes him into the wall) I fucking hate you!
Anthony: Erika, I'm sorry
Erika: NO!! You ruined my fucking relationship! I HATE YOU! I LOVE JAKE AND YOU MESSED IT UP!
Anthony: You always have me
Erika: No, I don't want you!! I want Jake! And what if he doesn't come back? All because of you! Go away! I hate you, I never want to talk to you ever again.
Anthony: (looks down at his feet and begins to walk away) Fine.

I closed the door right after he left and locked it. I sat in the edge of my bed and just cried.

Anthony's POV:

I got to kiss Erika! I was pretty happy about that... But then she told me she hated me. I just felt this huge amount of pain when she said that. Cause all I do is love her.

{IM SO SORRY IF THIS CHAPTER UPSET YOU OMG. But like if you enjoyed! Love you guys, peace!}

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