chapter 17

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Erika's POV:

My eyes laid upon something... It was the wooden piece... The wooden piece that read "Jerika's Room".. I rememeber when Jake showed it to me, I loved it so much. And I still do. It just laid there... Broken in half. It had me thinking a lot. Broken in half... I left it there and just continued picking up my things. As I was picking up my things, I saw something else on the floor. I walked up to it and picked it up. It was a black and gold ring box. My eyes widened as I saw it. I thought to myself, was Jake going to propose to me?... I opened the box and found the ring. It was beautiful, I picked it up and started looking at it.. "Jerika Forever ~ 6/18/17" I read that was engraved inside the ring. Wow.. It was mine. I loved it. I wanted it. But I knew I wasn't going to get it. At least not anymore. I put the ring back in it's box and just put it back where I found out.. I stood there, and honestly I just wanted to cry. I wanted to cry because I lost Jake. And he's all I wanted.

Anthony's POV:

After the big fight with Jake, I just sat there on my bed. As Megan was helping me out and cleaning my wounds. I felt bad because she was doing this.

Anthony: You don't have to do this Meg.
Megan: But I want to. It's okay.
Anthony: Are you sure?
Megan: Positive.
Anthony: Hey.. Can I ask you a question?
Megan: (looks up at Tony) Ask away.
Anthony: Why did you get upset when you walking in on Erika and I kissing?
Megan: (stays silent and continues cleaning off the wounds)
Anthony: Meg..
Megan: Anthony, I don't know if I can tell you because I don't wanna mess things up.
Anthony: What will it mess up?
Megan: Our friendship.
Anthony: Nothing can mess that up, you're like my best friend Meg. C'mon just tell me.
Megan: And that's why I can't tell you. Cause we're best friends.
Anthony: What does that mean?
Megan: (thinks before she talks for a couple of minutes) It means, I love you, Anthony.
Anthony: (looks at her with his eyes widened)

I never thought that Megan would love me. Do I love her though? I don't know. I've never really seen her as more because I've always been so busy chasing and thinking of Erika. But maybe I do have some feelings for her. She's beautiful. I love the way she smiles, and the way she laughs. Her sense of humor. I love how she's always there for me, even if I make her mad, or ignore her... I look into her eyes and notice how sparkling and beautiful they are. I've never looked into her eyes. Maybe I've been chasing the wrong girl. Maybe the person who is my soulmate is someone who'd I never expect to be. Maybe it was Megan.. I smiled at her as she cleaned my wounds up. And after that we didn't speak much about it.

Jake's POV:

by the time I get home, Erika had told me she got all her stuff out. So I walked back up to my room and grabbed a bag. I got all the Jerika merch I had and just shoved it inside the bag without any hesitation. I then start to pick up the wooden piece's that had once said Jerika's Room. I just throw it in the bag and continue. The last thing I I lay my eyes on is the ring box. I pick it up, open it up and look at the ring. I pick the ring up and find myself gazing at every single part of the ring. I start to reminisce of all the memories we've had together and decide to put the ring back in the box. I close it up and just toss it into the bag with all my other Jerika stuff. I tied up the bag, just threw it in the corner of my bedroom.

I decide to go get some food to get my mind off of all this bullshit that's been happening. I walk into taco bell and find myself ordering. I ordered my food and grabbed it. As soon as I turned around I bumped into someone without noticing, they had dropped their food and drink on the floor as I had spilled mine on my shirt. I quickly kneel down to pick up the mess I had made and help the person out. I hear a "thank you" in a familiar voice... and I smile and reply with "you're welcome, I'm sorry" and I look up to find....

{I've been writing a lot late so you're welcome! Thanks for all the love! I love you guys so much. But omg who's it gonna be? Hmmmmmm!! And Megthony??! 🤔 I love leaving you guys with cliffhangers.. I might update again later today.. I haven't decided yet! But love you all!❤️}

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